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Cymraeg / English

A oeddech chi'n gwybod...

Mae'r cylchlythyr hwn hefyd ar gael yn Gymraegtanysgrifiwch er mwyn sicrhau eich bod yn derbyn y cylchlythyr Cymraeg y tro nesaf.

Summer 2022

August 2022


Annual Returns system now live

Annual Returns are now available for Responsible Individuals for adults and children’s services to complete using their CIW Online account

The deadline for submission is 31 October 2022.

Annual Returns

Childcare and play providers do not have to complete Annual Returns, as well as some other types of services. Check this page on our website for full details. 

Providers will be required to submit short Annual Returns to cover each of the periods 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22, depending on year of registration.

Thank you to all 500 providers who attended our events at the end of July. If you were unable to attend, you can watch a demo of the Annual Returns system, and take a look at the PowerPoint slides, via our website

Emergency accommodation for care workers


We have recently received queries about accommodating care workers in care services to provide emergency accommodation as a temporary measure.

Please check our website for guidance.

Support for out of school childcare providers


We are aware of the challenges facing many after school clubs since the COVID pandemic, with some remaining temporarily closed. 

If you are a provider and need support you can contact your Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs regional Childcare Business Development Officer.

They are available to support you to address any issues and hopefully enable your setting to reopen.


We have changed how we request information from providers via CIW Online

Ciw online

Following a successful pilot with providers towards the end of 2021, we have switched to a new direct messaging feature for all providers. 

The new feature has been developed to make it quicker, easier, and safer for providers to send us documents. To find out more about this feature visit our website.

CIW and Estyn joint inspections for non-maintained settings

Following on from resuming our joint inspections in January, we will continue to be sensitive to settings’ experiences of the pandemic during inspections. We will not publish overall judgements to individual inspection themes during the autumn term 2022 and will keep this under review.

Liberty Protection Safeguards newsletter

Welsh Government has published its sixth bilingual Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) newsletter for Wales, which includes information on the engagement events that took place earlier in the year, as well as an update on consultation responses. There is an updated FAQ document (Cymraeg yma) and a bilingual PowerPoint presentation about learning disabilities for information.

LPS Newsletter English


The following publications have been published and can be viewed via our website.

Welsh flag

Updated Welsh language framework for health and social care

'More Than Just Words' is the Welsh Government’s strategic framework to strengthen Welsh language provision in health and social care.

A new More Than Just Words plan 2022-27 was published on 2 August 2022. Its aim is to support Welsh speakers to receive care in their first language.

Launching the plan at the Eisteddfod, Health Minister Eluned Morgan AM said, "When people are receiving or trying to access care, it is usually when they are at their most vulnerable, so being comfortable in their own language is important."

At the core of the strategy is the principle of the Active Offer. It places a responsibility on health and social care providers to offer services in Welsh, rather than on the patient or service user to have to request them.

We are recruiting - come and join our organisation! 

Work for us

Interested in working for us? We are currently recruiting for the following vacancies:

  • CIW Inspector Adults x2 - Closing date 05/09/2022 
  • CIW Inspector – Children and Younger Adults Services x2 - Closing date 05/09/2022 
  • CIW Inspector Adults - Welsh Essential - Closing date 05/09/2022 

Further information about these vacancies can be found on our website.  

You can also sign up to receive our jobs alert for when further vacancies become available. Be the first to know!

Welsh Government and other news...


Save the date - Public Health Wales care home managers study day

Public Health Wales is hosting an online study day on 30 August between 10am-3pm, which is designed to support care homes with preparations for the autumn/winter period.

It will include the key actions services will need to take in responding to cases and incidents of acute respiratory illness and highlight the key points from relevant guidance.

Places can be booked by contacting the Training and Guidance team via email  


Cyber security

Welsh Government's Cyber Resilience team works closely with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). The NCSC is the UK’s technical authority for cyber threats. The NCSC monitors incidents, provides early warnings, disseminates information, conducts cyber threat assessments and provides general technical support.

The NCSC has published new guidance on maintaining a sustainable strengthened cyber security postureThe guidance is accompanied by a blog by Dr Marsha Quallo-Wright, NCSC Deputy Director for Critical National Infrastructure, which explains the context for this guidance.


Decarbonisation in social care

In case you missed it, Welsh Government's Climate Change and Decarbonisation for Health and Social Care department has produced a handy 'postcard' with facts and tips for reducing your carbon footprint - just click the image to the right to find out more. (Cymraeg yma)

Carbon postcard

Guidance produced by Social Care Wales

Resources and guidance for social care workers - Positive approaches: reducing restrictive practices in social care

This learning resource by Social Care Wales aims to provide an understanding of how to work using positive and proactive approaches and reduce the use of restrictive practices in social care.

Although it is aimed at social care workers, it is also useful for people who use services and their families; managers; employers; policy makers; commissioners; those in education; and others who work in the community, including primary care and the emergency services.


Safeguarding awareness for childcare and play providers

Safeguarding children and using safe recruitment practices are childcare and play providers’ most important responsibilities. Before employing workers, you must make sure that you:

  • take up two satisfactory references (at least one must be from the latest employer);
  • apply for an enhanced DBS;
  • have proof of their qualifications; and
  • prove they can work in the UK.

Social Care Wales have produced guidance for those recruiting into settings: A guide to recruiting well for early years and childcare | Social Care Wales

New online training is now also available. Go to Safeguarding Awareness Training Pack | Social Care Wales for more information.

Keep up to date

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Do you have a concern about care? Please let us know if you have any concerns about us, a service, or a member of care staff.
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