Innovation brief issue 62

December 2023


Group in discussion

Consultation on net zero skills

We want to hear from you! Have your say on new skills you think are needed for Wales to move towards our net zero goals. Sign up here.

Circular economy in the Welsh public sector

Up to £1million is available to fund businesses, third sector organisation or academia to work with the public sector in Wales to develop innovative solutions to reduce single use products.

Find out more about the SBRI Challenge here.

bags of plastic bottles
Tractor farming

Funding to reduce ammonia emissions from agricultural practices

Organisations can apply for a share of £1million worth of funding to develop innovative products or services to help reduce harmful pollutants in the atmosphere.

Read more about the SBRI challenge and the application process here.

Launchpad: net zero industry, South West Wales

13th December - Online

Innovate UK, as a part of a national programme, is investing £2 Million into the industrial cluster of South West Wales. To compete for a share of this funding apply here.

Sign up to Advances


Innovation Drumbeat

20th December - 10:00 - 11:30 - Online

To have a recap of innovation support offered last quarter as well as funding opportunities, open challenges and other support that will be available in the next quarter, sign up to the innovation drumbeat here.

Innovation funding support

10th January – 10:00 - 17:00 – Online

Offering support to Welsh based companies to better prepare themselves for RD&I and to run more effective schemes. Sign up here.



Welsh government is committed to delivering more and better jobs for Wales, through a stronger, fairer economy. We will improve and reform our public services and eliminate inconsistent delivery. By working together for Wales, we will secure opportunity for all, and build a united, connected and sustainable country.

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