Cymraeg 2050: Autumn 2022

Autumn 2022


Newsletter 1 - Autumn 2022

Croeso!  This is our place to let you know about our recent work, what we (and our partners) have been up to, and how you can keep in touch. 

Much like Cymraeg, this newsletter belongs to us all - read, have a chat and share!

Women in tech

Seamless bilingual scheduled meetings in Microsoft Teams

Over the past two years Microsoft Teams has become a central part of the lives of many of us.

While the Teams interface has been available in Welsh for some time, we’ve been missing the ability to organise and hold our meetings bilingually.  And while this hasn’t been possible, we haven’t been able to speak Welsh as much as we might have done in the past.  But change is afoot.


Commission for Welsh-speaking Communities

In August the Minister launched the Commission for Welsh-speaking Communities with a speech at the National Eisteddfod.

The commission will make policy recommendations, offer an analysis of the results of the 2021 census, and identify areas of linguistic sensitivity which may require particular policy interventions.

Jeremy Miles

Welsh Language Communities Housing Plan

This plan, launched at the National Eisteddfod,  tackles the challenges facing Welsh-speaking communities with a high concentration of second homes.

Speech: Cymraeg, it belongs to our communities

Oral Statement, 11 October

Croeso Cymru - Conwy

Have your say on how we can strengthen Welsh-speaking communities

The Commission for Welsh-speaking Communities (more information in the story above) wants to hear your views on all kinds of issues affecting Welsh-speaking communities, from housing and education to community development and regeneration.

The call for evidence is open from 9 November until 13 January 2023.

Ein Tim, Ein Hiaith logo 4x3

Our Team, Our Language

Wales in the World Cup – unforgettable.

As we get closer to Wales’s first match on 21 November exciting work is afoot with a partnership between the Welsh Government, the Football Association Wales and the National Centre for Learning Welsh.

The campaign ‘Our Team, Our Language’ will build on the FAW’s work and is looking to encourage more people to learn Welsh by signing up for the National Centre’s Welsh lessons.

For the latest information the National Centre have launched a page on their website – Y Wal Goch.

npld x llyw cymru logo

Spaces for us to use our Cymraeg

For us to increase our use of Cymraeg, we have to create spaces in which we can freely use our language. That can mean speaking Welsh and/or writing it. As Cymraeg isn’t a majority language all over Wales, we have to plan to create, safeguard and expand these spaces. Monolingual spaces can be virtual, or where people are in the same geographical location. They can also be a workplace, or part of a workplace. Together with the NPLD, Cymraeg 2050 held a conference about this at the beginning of October.

Wish you could have been there? You can view the slides on our Dropbox.

News updates

Cymraeg 2050 recent statements:

Written Statement: Appointing a Welsh Language Commissioner (20 October 2022)

Oral Statement: Welsh Language Community Housing (11 October 2022)

Statement: The Cymraeg 2050 Annual Report 2021-22 (4 October 2022)

To see all statements relating to the Welsh language: Announcements | GOV.WALES

Statistics and research

Recent statistics and research on the Welsh Language:

National Survey for Wales: results viewer

Welsh language data from the Annual Population Survey: July 2021 to June 2022

Welsh language in higher education: September 2020 to August 2021

To see all statistics and research relating to the Welsh language: Statistics and research | GOV.WALES



The latest news on Cymraeg 2050 from the Welsh Government. Together in one voice.

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