Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care Update - Edition 5

15 July 2022


National Six Goals for UEC Programme Board update: 30 June 2022

Six key actions:

  1. Richard Bowen and Sue Morgan with local clinical leads are looking to accelerate plans to co-design and test an exemplar integrated urgent care model to support timely and quality delivery of urgent care closer to home, in line with the ethos of goals 1 – 3. Consideration will be given to identifying a ‘pathfinder’ Health Board for an exemplar integrated urgent care model in Q2.
  1. A proposal put forward by Dr Ruth Alcolado, Clinical Lead for Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), for the use of a single point of access for advice and guidance to paramedics at scene with patients from SDEC clinicians was approved. The national SDEC oversight group will take forward this work and WAST and Health Boards will be strongly advised to deliver the pathway.
  1. Following an independent review of Directory of Services (DoS), the Board noted the intent to formalise national governance in making an enhanced DoS a Six Goals Programme priority. An investment case to enable delivery of an enhanced DoS will be considered by the Six Goals Programme Integration Group shortly.
  1. We are establishing a Six Goals Programme ‘Clinical Professional Advisory Group’ and the terms of reference have been agreed. The Group will be co-chaired by Dr Andrew Havers (primary care clinician) and Dr Jo Mower (ED consultant) with clinical and professional leadership from AHPs, nursing and social care.
  1. An investment case for enhancements to the NHS 111 Wales online platform was ratified. This will build on the enhanced clinical content and teleguides that are now available for the public and provide more targeted information on access to a range of services. Additionally, we are reviewing the various digital opportunities linked to the NHS Wales App, e-prescribing, e-triage and the WEDS programme (which would directly support EDs).
  1. We will shortly be receiving LHBs plans on how they intend to roll out the key 6 Goal priorities and the local appointment of dedicated Clinical and Operational Leads. These will be presented at a joint meeting of the 6 Goals Board on the 4th August.

The Minister continues to be very supportive in the 6 Goals work and has emphasised the need for pace and local ownership.  

Six Goals Programme communications

A Six Goals Programme communication workshop took place last month. The workshop provided an opportunity for nominated Communications Leads from each Health Board to come together and meet Simon Jones, Six Goals Programme Manager, to understand the expectations from the Six Goals Programme in relation to communications.

Following the workshop, a National Six Goals Communications & Engagement Plan has been drafted will be shared in due course, to help inform local Health Board Communications plans ahead of the next Board meeting, 4 August. A copy of the Six Goals icon has been provided below following feedback from the workshop. 

Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care

Written Statement: Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care Programme Update

Earlier this month, Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services issued a written statement to provide an update on the programme which included details of how the £25m budget has been allocated for the year and the key priorities. For more information, you can see the full statement here: Written Statement: Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care Programme Update (8 July 2022) | GOV.WALES

Eluned Morgan

Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care animation

A 2-minute bilingual animation has been produced to describe the main aims and objectives of the Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care.

The animation describes each of the six goals in turn, to show we will aim to deliver the right care, at the right place first time. Please feel free to share this video (English and Welsh linked below) with your teams, stakeholders and networks.

Welsh version

English version

National enabling work-stream update

Andy Haywood, Director for Digital Change, WAST will be replaced by Ifan Evans, Director of Digital Strategy, DHCW, as chair of the Six Goals Programme ‘Digital, Information and Technology’ enabling work-stream from August 2022.

Upcoming events and milestones:

Workforce Education, Development and Training Enabling work stream workshop -15 July 2022

111 National Communications workshop with Behaviour Change, Communications and Marketing Enabling Work stream members – 19 July 2022

Health Boards to present local Six Goals Programme plans to Six Goals Programme Board – 4 August 2022

Tell us your thoughts

If you have any feedback about this newsletter or suggestions for future articles to, please get in touch with the Six Goals Programme team at:



Our priorities for urgent and emergency care to ensure that patients get the right care, in the right place, first time.

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