Celebrating Rural Wales Event

Celebrating Rural Wales Event; 9th & 10th June


Celebrating Rural Wales Event; 9th & 10th June - REGISTER NOW!!

Celebrating Rural Wales EventCelebrating Rural Wales Event


For decades Wales has benefitted from support through the EU Rural Development Programme (RDP). With the UK’s exit from the European Union this support is coming to an end, and we have the opportunity to develop a truly Welsh approach to support for our rural economy. 

It is important to learn the lessons from the many successes of the RDP as we consider how to target interventions in the future. This event will seek to highlight successes, and how we can take these forwards based on the priorities outlined by the Minister for Rural Affairs. 

Organised by the Welsh Government’s Wales Rural Network Support Unit, the event will showcase some of the outstanding projects which have been set up in Wales through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Programme, and capture what is important to the Sector to continue to support the rural economy in the future.


  • An opportunity to hear from the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, the Minister for Climate Change and the Director for Environment and Marine.
  • Workshops on future schemes as we transition to the Sustainable Farming Scheme
  • A themed exhibition area, covering food and tourism, the sustainable management of natural resources, innovation, woodland and forestry, and innovative communities.
  • Themed discussions looking at successes achieved by beneficiaries of funding 
  • Video case studies - a chance to see case studies of projects, meet the people who have benefitted and hear first-hand the difference that funding has made to them and their local area
  • ‘Rural Awards’ – providing recognition to projects that have succeeded

The event is free to attend, but you will need to register – please click here.



Wales Rural Network News provides a round-up of news, information and networking opportunities relating to the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. It helps to facilitate the sharing of common issues and examples of good practice within Wales, the UK and Europe. If you have items to contribute which are related to rural development in Wales, please contact Ruralnetwork@gov.wales

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