Tourism Industry Update

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4 February 2022


Tourism Industry Update

Please follow the news reports and for latest Coronavirus advice regularly visit the Public Health Wales website and the Business Wales website

BULLETIN CONTENTS: Apprenticeship Week, 7-13 February 2022 - Get Involved; Chair of Wales Tourism and Hospitality Skills Partnership: Applications close 7 February; Brilliant Basics Fund 2022-2023 (Local Authority and National Park round); Smoke-free law changes from 1 March; Copyright: Things you should know; Keep Wales Tidy - Litter Free Zones; Wales’ Cultural Recovery Fund 3; Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme; Make sure you have the right workplace facilities; COVID SAFETY REMINDERS - Alert Level 0, NHS COVID Pass promotional pack, Keep Wales Safe at Work; Useful COVID-19 information

Apprenticeship Week, 7-13 February 2022: Get Involved

Apprenticeship Week is an annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, and the value they bring to employers and learners across Wales.

This is an opportunity for Tourism, Hospitality and Events businesses across Wales to get involved and celebrate apprentices working in the industry.

A toolkit is available with information about apprenticeships for employers and individuals, along with ideas and resources for you to use and share in support of Apprenticeship Week.

However you participate, please share your activity during Apprenticeship Week via your own communication channels, including newsletters, stakeholder communications and social media - using #AWWales and #theexperiencemakers and be sure to tag us on @VisitWalesBiz / @CroesoCymruBus.

Further information is available –

Chair of Wales Tourism and Hospitality Skills Partnership: Applications close 7 February

A vacancy exists for a Chair for the Wales Tourism & Hospitality Skills Partnership, established to identify issues relating to the training, development and retention of staff in the Tourism and Hospitality sectors in Wales and to promote solutions to the relevant agencies.

The industry-led Partnership currently meets on a quarterly basis and includes Visit Wales, which also provides the Secretariat function.

More information can be found on: CHAIR_OF_WALES_TOURISM_AND_H.pdf ( Closing date 5pm, Monday 7 February 2022.

Brilliant Basics Fund 2022-2023  (Local Authority and National Park round) 

Brilliant Basics is a capital fund to deliver basic small-scale tourism infrastructure improvements across all of Wales in order to ensure that all visitors have a positive and memorable experience throughout all aspects of their stay.

The 2022-23 Brilliant Basics fund will prioritise strategic investment in key tourist destinations and as a result will only be open to Local Authorities and National Park Authorities.

Expression of Interest forms are now available: Closing date 4 March 2022.

For more information see: Finance | Business Wales (

Smoke-free law changes from 1 March

New smoking laws are being introduced in Wales which affects the tourism industry.

From 1 March 2022, all hotels, guesthouses, inns, hostels and members’ clubs must be smoke-free and will no longer be able to offer designated smoking bedrooms.

All self-contained holiday and temporary accommodation, such as cottages, caravans, chalets and other short term lettings accommodation will also be no smoking. Owners should therefore have prepared for conversion any of their smoking accommodation/ designated smoking bedrooms to smoke-free ready for 1 March 2022 - after this date it will be against the law to smoke in these areas and a fine could be issued.

Further information on how these changes affects the tourism industry can be found on Smoke-free law: guidance on the changes from March 2021 [HTML] | GOV.WALES.

Copyright: Things you should know

Copyright is a complex legal area. Take a look at some top tips to help keep safe when promoting your business: Copyright flyer PDF.

Keep Wales Tidy - Litter Free Zones

As part of Caru Cymru, Litter Free Zones has been launched - a new scheme designed to encourage businesses to keeping their communities’ litter-free. 

Businesses across Wales are being asked to adopt specific zones to clean-up on a regular basis and it’s hoped businesses of all shapes and sizes will get involved.

Find out more on Litter Free Zones - Keep Wales Tidy - Caru Cymru.

Wales’ Cultural Recovery Fund 3 

The third round of the Welsh Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund is open for applications to businesses from the events, creative and heritage sectors.

Applications will need to be returned by Friday 11 February 2022.

Further details are available on: Wales’ Cultural Recovery Fund 3 opens to new entrants | Business Wales (

Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme

If you’re an employer with fewer than 250 employees, and you’ve paid Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to your employees for absences linked to coronavirus-related sickness or self-isolation, you could be eligible for support.

Visit the Business Wales website for more details.

Make sure you have the right workplace facilities

You must provide the right facilities for everyone in your workplace, including people with disabilities.

You must have:

  • welfare facilities – the right number of toilets and washbasins, drinking water and having somewhere to rest and eat meals
  • a healthy working environment – a clean workplace with a reasonable working temperature, good ventilation, suitable lighting and the right amount of space and seating
  • a safe workplace – well-maintained equipment, with no obstructions in floors and traffic routes, and windows that can be easily opened and cleaned

Visit the Business Wales website for more details.


Alert Level 0

The measures that apply at alert level 0:

NHS COVID Pass: promotional pack

Information on how businesses and event organisers must check the COVID-19 status of their customers is available on Gov.Wales.

The NHS COVID Pass: promotional pack can be downloaded from Gov.Wales.  Businesses are encouraged to display and share these posters, images and videos to promote and explain the NHS COVID Pass.

Keep Wales Safe at Work

When considering what you need to do to keep your workforce safe at work, visit the Business Wales website for detailed guidance, examples and resources.

Useful COVID-19 information

As each premises is different, businesses should read all guidance. This continues to be updated so please check back regularly for the latest information.

Stay up to date with tourism industry news

Take a look at our latest Visit Wales industry newsletters and bulletins: Tourism Newsletter/Bulletin | Business Wales (

These include the latest tourism industry news from Wales and information for the industry on Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Business Wales is providing businesses with tailored support and advice about dealing with coronavirus, from financial and supply chain planning to advice on staffing issues. We would advise Tourism businesses and stakeholders in Wales wanting specific guidance to visit the Business Wales website or call Business Wales helpline on 03000 6 03000, and to regularly visit the Public Health Wales website for up-to-date public health information for you, your staff and your visitors.
