Wales Rural Network News Round-up 2021 Issue 09; December 2021

Issue 09; December 2021


Wales Rural Network Support Unit


Merry Christmas from us all at WRNSU and welcome to December's Newsletter

Well it's been a few months since our last 'News' Newsletter but we hope you have been enjoying our extraordinary 'Celebrating Rural' Newsletters.

As you will have seen in the celebrations Newsletters, here at the Network Support Unit, we are busy making lots of plans for exciting new things to come.

Celebrating Rural Conference 2022

Wales Rural Network are planning to return to normal with a bang with the first 'physical' conference since 2019.

The 9th & 10th June 2022 will see an event like no other before, taking place at the Royal Welsh Food Hall at the Showground in Builth Wells. This will be an exciting and interactive conference that will celebrate the achievements of all things Rural Development Funded.

So Save the date in your diary now!

Celebrating Rural Campaign

As we approach the last few years of the final EU Rural Development Programme, it is an ideal time to look back at some of the achievements of this and other programmes over the years and celebrate the difference that the funding has made to Wales' wonderful rural landscape and the communities that thrive within it.

We have appointed a specialist contractor who is working on an inspirational  promotion campaign that runs alongside and beyond the celebration event.

We are looking for case studies; stories; video footage from across all schemes to feature in the campaign. Got anything to share, email us at

WRN Website 

In the New Year we will be launching our new pages on the website, these include brand new areas along with re-designs of existing areas of the site, we think you will be impressed and will be in a position to find everything you need to know about Rural Development at the tip of your fingertips.

Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020


Glastir Contracts

Eligible contract holders whose Glastir Advanced, Glastir Commons or Glastir Organic contract is due to end on the 31 December 2021 will be offered extensions. RPW have uploaded information letters to RPW online accounts with further details. Please check your RPW Online accounts regularly to ensure action is completed in a timely manner.

Farming and Countryside


Increase in BPS entitlement values

BPS 2021 entitlements have increased in value to take account of unclaimed entitlements and the un-allocated National Reserve budget in 2021.

Customers who have received an advance payment will see this increase reflected in the Entitlements Statement of their 2021 advance payment letter. Customers who have not received an advance payment will have this increase applied when their full payment is made.

Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2021 payments

Subject to completion of the full validation, BPS 2021 balance payments, or full payments for those who have not received an advance payment, commenced on Wednesday, 15 December 2021.

Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) Transfer of Entitlements guidance – RPW Online

The transfer notification facility for 2022 entitlements is now available on RPW Online. RPW must be notified by 15 May 2022 in order for the recipient to make a claim on entitlements they are receiving for the 2022 BPS scheme year.


Understanding farmer motivations: very small and small farms

The report containing the findings from this piece of social research is now available.


Rural event training - How to plan and manage a safe and successful show or event

A new online ‘rural event’ training course is being launched to support agricultural, sporting, cultural and social event organisers across the UK to prepare for the new ‘normal’.

The course will help this important part of rural life after many events were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has had a significant impact on thousands of individuals, businesses and the rural economy.

Farming Connect


The Farming Connect skills funding application window will open between 3 – 28 January 2022

Apply to develop your skills, develop your business and plan ahead for the future:

  • all training courses subsidised by up to 80% for registered individuals
  • more than 70 courses available, categorised under ‘Business’, ‘Land’ and ‘Livestock’
  • network of approved training providers located throughout Wales

For the full list of courses and/or support on how to apply, contact your local development officer or the Farming Connect Service Centre on 08456 000 813.


Farming Connect ICT Programme

The Farming Connect ICT Programme is coming to a close at the end of December 2021, so we encourage everyone to utilise the fully funded computer training now before its closure:

  • those interested in improving their computer skills are encouraged to book on as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment, as spaces are limited
  • courses available during December include the basic and intermediate Microsoft Excel courses and the Social Media refresher course

Farming Connect helping you to achieve net-zero

Following the COP26 summit, world action must begin to achieve the target of net-zero by 2050. Already making a positive contribution, our industry can go further and Farming Connect is here to help every farming and forestry business in Wales on their journey.

Woodland & Forestry


The National Forest for Wales

An opportunity for all households in Wales. Working together with the Woodland Trust, the Welsh Government has launched an initiative to offer every household in Wales the chance to plant a native tree in their garden, or have a tree planted on their behalf.

The Environment


Meet the Flemish farmer who’s the Green Deal’s guinea pig

TEMSE, Belgium — If you want to know whether the EU's flagship Green Deal makes sense in the real world outside offices in Brussels, you should keep your eyes on Kris Heirbaut and his farm in northern Belgium.

Community Led Local Development



This month our featured Local Development area is Carmarthenshire.

The LEADER programme in Carmarthenshire is designed to get local people, businesses and communities involved in delivering sustainable, yet innovative solutions to address some of the economic, social and environmental challenges facing rural areas.

Carmarthenshire's LEADER programme is being managed by the Grŵp Cefn Gwlad Local Action Group (LAG), which has developed a strategy which will provide the framework for LEADER activity within the County.

There are currently 37 projects in the Carmarthenshire, spanning the LEADER themes.

A Selection of Case Studies and Feasibility spanning themes such as -

Digital - Llanybydder becomes a SMART town

Wellbeing - Calon Cymru Network

Community - Community asset Development

Useful Links & Information

Wales Rural Network Support Unit Useful Links

Access Broadband Cymru grant scheme

Other Newsletters



Wales Rural Network News provides a round-up of news, information and networking opportunities relating to the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. It helps to facilitate the sharing of common issues and examples of good practice within Wales, the UK and Europe. If you have items to contribute which are related to rural development in Wales, please contact

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