Food and Drink Wales Industry Board Newsletter

16 March 2021

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It is uplifting to see the NHS Covid19 vaccination programme being rolled out across Wales and the whole of the UK. A big “thank you” must go out for the enormous efforts of those involved in giving the vaccines. First and foremost, this is great news for the nation’s health, but thoughts now move to how the vaccine can help with easing restrictions and unlocking business, leisure and hospitality in Wales. Although the exact timeframe is unknown at present, the food and drink industry will need to plan and prepare carefully and collaboratively for the reopening of hospitality businesses and until then, many Welsh food and drink businesses continue to ask for support.

FDWIB - Andy Richardson

There was more positive news recently when Lesley Griffiths AM, Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs announced the future vision for Wales’ food and drink sector, with the aim of creating an industry with world leading sustainability.

Leading food and drink figures are joining forces with Government as they outline plans to place sustainable practices at the heart of the industry’s post-Covid recovery agenda. By working together, it is hoped that government and industry can create one of the most environmentally and socially responsible supply chains in the world.

Yet we recognise that there are still immediate challenges facing the food and drink sector. Since January 1st, exporting has been a learning experience for both government and industry. Products of animal and plant origin have proven to be a particular challenge for businesses, particularly in the case of groupage exports.

At present we export around 10% of our food and drink in Wales. Despite the challenges currently associated with exports, I firmly believe there are still more export opportunities for Welsh food and drink, including for those who have been hit hard by the loss of the hospitality market and Wales must gain from any ongoing trade negotiations and deals. We need to ensure we have a strategy on international policy, be clear where we have competitive advantage and have both offensive and defensive plans within these export strategies.

Furthermore, in a few weeks, rules on importing from the European Union will also change. Issues are particularly likely to occur around importing products of animal origin. Businesses should now be looking to understand their supply chains and how imports impact on those and to plan ahead. There will be supply chain threats as well as opportunities and we must be prepared.

We are all navigating a new world and once businesses understand the changes that have taken place a proportion will decide to do things differently. We must be agile in how we approach the continued challenges and opportunities we are faced with and work together to gain insight and progress.

Andy Richardson, Chair of the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board

Latest on Covid-19 and EU transition for food and drink businesses

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Latest industry news

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Recent key actions from the Board

  • The Board has begun to prepare its strategy for the next stage of industry growth. 
  • Board members helped shape Welsh Government’s sustainable brand values campaign and future strategic vision for the food and drink industry.
  • The Board discussed the implications of Covid and Brexit and how these were affecting Welsh Food & Drink businesses. The key points of these discussions continue to be raised with Welsh Government colleagues.
  • The current Free Trade Agreements lead by the Westminster Government were discussed and opportunities and threats for Welsh food and drink continue to be considered.
  • The Board received a presentation from the Drinks Cluster on the success of the Welsh Drinks Christmas campaign and plans for a Drink Welsh events programme throughout 2021
  • Food Skills Cymru/Lantra gave Board members an update on its current industry support and training provision, including trade skills, e learning and one to one support for businesses.
  • The Board shares all links to information, support and toolkits via Twitter and LinkedIn.

Meet the Board:

Rhian Hayward MBE, Chief Executive Officer, Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus

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I am originally from Swansea and now live in rural Mid Wales, near Aberystwyth, after spending 20 years living in the south east of England and the USA. My academic and early stage career background is in the biosciences, having graduated from Kings College London in Biology and then going on to complete a doctorate at University of Oxford in infectious diseases epidemiology. I worked in a number of biotech start-up businesses before moving to Aberystwyth.

I joined the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board in 2020, having seen the potential in Wales for us to develop into a genuine ‘food nation’ – with a strong brand and a global presence for food and drink. My role in developing an Innovation Campus in Aberystwyth - with a Future Food Centre inside it – combined with my experience in the challenges companies face as they start and scale up means I can make an important contribution to the Board’s innovation agenda. I know how transformative new technology and processes can be in bringing interesting products to market.

I am also passionate about working pan-Wales and knitting together the experience we have in all parts of the country and I believe the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board can help contribute to that goal.

There are of course clear and immediate challenges for the industry presented by the coronavirus pandemic. Necessary as restrictions are for public health, parts of the food and drink sector are severally impacted in their ability to function and to realise revenues that will sustain many businesses in the supply chain in Wales after the crisis is over.

Yet there are also major opportunities, particularly for Welsh ‘made and grown’ and by marketing truly Welsh products to domestic as well as overseas markets.

In my role as a new Board member, I’m keen to bring insights from rural Wales to the Board’s attention as well as helping to raise awareness of the valuable knowledge base we have within our universities in Wales. Further improvement of the knowledge exchange between universities and the food and drink sector will accelerate innovation.

When we emerge from the challenges of the pandemic and Brexit, we can support Government to create a longer roadmap to develop our food and drink offer from Wales. We need to look at what success could look like in the short, mid and long term to help drive that change and improvement. 

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Up-to-date news, information and support for the Welsh food and drink sector, from the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board.

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