News Bulletin: Firebreak lockdown in Wales ends

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9 November 2020


Firebreak lockdown in Wales ends

As the firebreak ends in Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford today asked everyone to think about how they can protect their families from the virus.  A new set of national measures will come into force today, replacing the firebreak regime. But people’s actions will be more important in controlling the spread of the virus than rules and regulations in the weeks and months ahead.  The First Minister is urging everyone to reduce the number of people they see and the time they spend with them to help reduce their risk of catching and passing on the virus.

All premises re-opening will still be required to take all reasonable measures to minimise the risks of spreading the virus. This includes measures to ensure 2 metre social distancing is observed, as well as other measures, such as restricting numbers, implementing one-way systems or limiting the time people can remain on the premises.

Everyone is also being urged to follow the basics at all times – maintain social distancing; washing their hands often and wearing a face mask indoor public places. People will also be asked to work from home whenever possible.

Read the announcement in full on Gov.Wales.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the above are online, as are the updated Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) Regulations 2020

FAQs include information on staying in accommodation, this is restricted to families living together, not extended families e.g.

Who can I stay with in holiday accommodation such as hotels, tents, caravans or self-catering accommodation?

  • You will only be able to share holiday accommodation with the people you live with. This helps to reduce the risk of coronavirus being transmitted significantly, as sleeping in close proximity to other people carries a high risk of transmission due to the length of time you spend near each other. 

Hospitality re-opening (pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants) - mitigating guidance for Wales post- firebreak is now available online. It has been produced and updated in consultation with the Hospitality sector for Pubs, Bars, Cafes and Restaurants re-opening indoors and outdoors.

Useful COVID-19 information

As each premises is different, businesses should read all guidance to understand the measures to be considered to re-open the business safely.   These continue to be updated so please check back regularly for the latest information.

Stay up to date with tourism industry news

We are committed to providing the support and assurance the business community needs during these unprecedented difficult times and have issued several Coronavirus (COVID-19) related bulletins which can be found on the Tourism Industry Coronavirus (COVID-19) Bulletins page. 

Business Wales is providing businesses with tailored support and advice about dealing with coronavirus, from financial and supply chain planning to advice on staffing issues. We would advise Tourism businesses and stakeholders in Wales wanting specific guidance to visit the Business Wales website or call Business Wales helpline on 03000 6 03000, and to regularly visit the Public Health Wales website for up-to-date public health information for you, your staff and your visitors.
