Apply for the Childcare Providers Grant: coronavirus Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. 28 August 2020 Finance | Starting up | Marketing | Skills & Training | Business Ideas & Innovation | IT Apply for the Childcare Providers Grant: coronavirus Childcare providers including child minders, nurseries, cylch meithrin, crèches and out of school clubs can apply for up to £5,000 to cover loss of income between 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020. Find out more here... New initiative to help SMEs based in Wales Welsh Government increases funding contribution for SMEs in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships to 75%. Find out more here... Specialist Manufacturing Support If you’re a manufacturing business in Wales we can help you through COVID-19 and beyond with the EU-funded SMART Innovation programme. Specialist help is available to get back to work safely, efficiently and productively. Find out more here... HMRC – keep up to date with the latest information Here you’ll find details of all live and recorded webinars in relation to COVID-19 business support from HMRC. Find out more here... AccelerateHER Virtual Bootcamps Now open for applications! Get the inside track on what angels look for when investing. Find out more here... The Food Exchange: Start and grow a food or drink business If you're looking to start or grow a food or drink business, this online event is for you! Find out more here... Air conditioning and ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak Employers must, by law, ensure an adequate supply of fresh air in the workplace. Find out more here...