News bulletin: Outdoor events to be trialled in Wales in latest easing of lockdown restrictions: Keeping records of staff, customers, and visitors - test, trace, protect

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  21 August 2020


Outdoor events to be trialled in Wales in latest easing of lockdown restrictions

A limited number of small scale outdoor performances and sporting events are set to be trialled in Wales in an effort to begin a phased approach to the safe reopening of the events industry, as part of further changes to coronavirus regulations announced today by First Minister Mark Drakeford.

Indoor visits to care homes will also be allowed from Saturday 29 August, subject to the strict controls set out in the guidance and conditions remaining favourable.

However, the First Minister will emphasise that the return of pupils to schools and colleges from 1 September is the top priority during this 21 day regulation cycle.

The Welsh Government recognises the value of the events sector to Wales and how cultural, sports and business events are a vital part of the visitor economy and one of the last sectors left to re-open.

Initially three small events, with limits of up to 100 people, and subject to strict risk assessments, will be held across Wales later this month.

Outdoor events are being prioritised in this review period, while the weather is mild, due to evidence of lower transmission of coronavirus outdoors.

If these small events can be carried out safely, and transmission of the virus remains low, it is hoped the next stage will be increased numbers of participants, allowing a limited number of spectators to attend sporting events and potentially considering trialling small scale business events.

In the coming weeks three small scale events will be trialled to inform future review processes.

Outdoor events of up to 100 people:

  • Theatr Clwyd’s proposals for a number of live outdoor performances from 27 August;
  • Welsh Triathlon’s planned ‘Return to Racing’ competition at Pembrey Country Park which will be a closed venue and without spectators; and
  • A car rally at Anglesey Circuit/Trac Mon Race track

In addition we will continue to work closely with the UK Government to monitor the outcomes from the trials that have taken place recently.

The First Minister has also confirmed that from Saturday August 22, extended households can expand to include up to four households in an exclusive, extended arrangement. From the same day, weddings and funerals will be able to include a meal for up to 30 people, in suitably socially distant settings.

Subject to the successful resumption of weddings and funerals, it is hoped to further increase the range of indoor ceremonies allowed in the next review period, including christenings, baptisms and bar mitzvahs.

Casinos will be allowed to reopen from Saturday 29 August, provided they follow the guidance available to them.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“While coronavirus remains effectively suppressed in Wales and cases continue to fall, the situation in the rest of the UK and further afield is still problematic. Coronavirus has not gone away and so, as we move out of lockdown and look to the future, it is important we do this in a careful and cautious way.

“We appreciate how hard it has been for families not seeing their loved ones and the impact restrictions on visiting care homes is having on people’s emotional, mental and even physical health.

“In an effort to address this we have been working closely with partners and intend to allow indoor visits to care homes to recommence from Saturday 29 August, subject to the strict controls set out in the guidance and conditions remaining favourable.

“In addition we will trial three small scale events, in partnership with the events organisers, local authorities and other stakeholders, to  see if they can be carried out in a safe way, with a view to supporting the sector and making the most of the remaining summer months where we can spend time outdoors.

“We will also learn from pilots being conducted across the UK, in reopening professional sport and indoor theatre to supporters and audiences, so we base our decisions on the best possible evidence available. We will continue to talk with event organisers about the possible resumption of some other activities later in the autumn.

“But, for the time being, we need to learn from how we can safely hold outdoor events while maintaining social distancing.

“We will use the next three weeks to continue to engage with those remaining sectors of our economy that remain affected by coronavirus restrictions. I would like to thank the sector representatives for the way they continue to engage, coming out of lockdown will always be harder than going into it - but, together, we will do it in the safest possible way.”

From 1 September, schools and further education colleges will return from the summer break, and will teach pupils through a variety of ways, either in the classroom or remotely.

The First Minister added:

“The return of pupils is the most significant important activity which will take place in Wales during the next 21 days and most of the headroom we have is being devoted to making this a success.

“It is critical that we get children back into schools in the safest possible way. All children in Wales have had the opportunity to ‘check in, catch up and prepare’ before the summer holidays, and we hope this will stand them in good stead for the changes they are due to encounter in the upcoming months.”

Keeping records of staff, customers, and visitors: test, trace, protect

As of Monday 17 August all hospitality businesses and high-risk settings must collect from customers, as a legal requirement, their name and phone number to assist with the Test Trace Protect (TTP) approach, in case of an outbreak.

There is a higher risk of spreading coronavirus in some sectors where staff, customers and visitors spend a longer time on the premises than in other surroundings and potentially come into close contact with people outside of their household (or extended household if they have formed one).

The following businesses or premises must collect and retain contact information:

  • Hospitality, including pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes.
  • Cinemas.
  • Close contact services including hairdressers, barbers, beauticians, tattooists, sports and massage therapists.
  • Swimming pools, indoor fitness studios, gyms, spas or other indoor leisure centres or facilities.

Collecting and retaining contact information for 21 days is a legal requirement in the above cases. There are bilingual posters to download to help explain to customers why it is being done.  If it’s the first time that you’ve used the Visit Wales assets site to download materials, it will only take a 1 minute sign up for you to register – as well as the above it gives you access to a huge library of free images to use in your business.

Download and save this summary of how to keep records of staff,customers and visitors which covers the principal areas and should be used alongside the detailed information which is included in the full Welsh Government Keeping records of staff, customers and visitors guidance. The guidance also addresses practical considerations around areas such as compliance with GDPR and how to manage customer queries e.g. if, after requesting and explaining the rationale, the individual still does not want to share their details, and you are under a duty to collect those details, they should not be allowed on the premises.  

Accommodation providers collect visitor data through bookings, as a matter of course.  This information should continue to be collated and maintained in line with Welsh Government TTP guidelines.

Further guidance and useful resources to help businesses Keep Wales Safe at Work can be found on the Business Wales website

Stay up to date with tourism industry news

We are committed to providing the support and assurance the business community needs during these unprecedented difficult times and have issued several Coronavirus (COVID-19) related bulletins which can be found on the Tourism Industry Coronavirus (COVID-19) Bulletins page. 

Business Wales is providing businesses with tailored support and advice about dealing with coronavirus, from financial and supply chain planning to advice on staffing issues. We would advise Tourism businesses and stakeholders in Wales wanting specific guidance to visit the Business Wales website or call Business Wales helpline on 03000 6 03000, and to regularly visit the Public Health Wales website for up-to-date public health information for you, your staff and your visitors.
