National Development Framework for Wales - Newsletter June 2017

06 June 2017 • Issue 002


Consultation on the draft Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Just a reminder the draft Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report is out for consultation.  

The closing date for responses is 21 July 2017

Environet Cymru will be hosting a Webinar on the draft Report on 13 June at 12.30pm.

Call for Evidence and Projects

Earlier this year we asked stakeholders to identify evidence of national importance and suggest potential projects for inclusion in the NDF.

We received 79 responses covering a broad range of issues and projects, including 230 projects for transport and energy schemes, new settlements and major regeneration initiatives. We'll publish details of these responses shortly and will continue to assess them over the coming months. We'll keep you updated as things unfold.

Engagement Plan

Did you know we've produced an Engagement Plan for NDF developments? The Plan is a useful source of up-to-date information on past and future meetings, events and all things NDF-related.

RTPI Cymru Planning Conference 2017

RTPI Cymru will be holding their 10th Wales Planning Conference at City Hall, Cardiff on 8 June. We'll have an NDF stand there on the day, so please come along for a chat.

A stakeholder's take on NDF

Here's an interesting take on NDF developments from someone outside Welsh Government. It's a personal reflection by Efa Lois Thomas, an Architectural Assistant at Austin-Smith:Lord, on what she took away from a workshop hosted by the Design Commission for Wales on 2 March.

If you or your organisation would like to hold a similar workshop, we'd be pleased to help.   


We’ve produced a short animation setting out the planning system in Wales and the role of the NDF. It’s aimed at a broad audience. Please feel free to share the animation with your networks.

You can view the animation on our webpage or Youtube.




The Planning Directorate is working on the production of the first National Development Framework (NDF). The NDF will set out a 20 year land use framework for Wales.

Find out more on the web: