Additional £24m funding for tourism and EPIC back on location – have an EPIC Easter.

Visit Wales
Industry News

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11 April 2017


EU funding boost gives an Epic start to Easter

As Wales’ tourism industry gears up for the Easter weekend, it has been announced that more than £24 million will be available for the development and marketing of tourism through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and Welsh Government.

The additional funding will be used for marketing and partnership work in support of the themed years - as well as boosting the funding available to the private sector under the Tourism Investment Support Scheme (TISS).  Funding will also be made available to the public sector under TISS to improve visitor facilities and amenities. Further information on how to apply for the RDP funding will be provided following the Easter holidays.

With the existing EU tourism funded projects currently in development with partners in Wales, we are looking at more than a £100 million investment in the sector up until 2020, which will have a big impact on Wales’ competiveness in the global marketplace. Find out more here

Also keep an eye out in our newsletters and on twitter for the next round of funding due to be announced in Autumn for our Tourism Product Innovation Fund (TPIF) or Regional Tourism Engagement Fund (RTEF).  

Our legendary EPIC letters are back 

It will be a truly EPIC Easter this year with our giant letters making the first appearance of the year at Margam Park this week where we’ll be bridging adventures with legends at this great location.   Our innovative travelling art installation, a focal part of our summer campaign last year, has undergone a makeover over the winter to reflect the Year of Legends theme for 2017.  The sign has been refreshed and recovered with illustrations of our most popular and well known legends. 

The aim this year is for EPIC to inspire and encourage visitors to find out about our legends and become storytellers themselves as stories behind the legends are printed on the base of the sign.  This year’s campaign film - fronted by Luke Evans - is also featured and can be viewed via a QR code.

The letters will again act as a focal point for visitors’ selfies and is designed to encourage image and content sharing on social media using the campaign hashtag #FindYourEpic.  The tour is supported by an integrated campaign consisting of PR and other media activity including digital advertising, e-mail marketing and social media activity targeting families and visitors in our core regions in North West England, the Midlands, Yorkshire, London and the South East.

As announced here, the sign will be at Margam Park from 11 April until the end of the month, and will then appear at another legendary location in Wales in May. 

Come and take a look, tell all your family, friends and customers, and don’t forget to share pictures on social media using #FindYourEpic.  Before your visit to Margam Park, read up on some of the local legends, which you can find here

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