2017 UEFA Champions League final: Cardiff

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16 September 2016

UCL Cardiff 2017 logo

Congratulations Wales!

Thanks to Wales’ recent 4-0 win against Moldova in the Football World Cup campaign, the feel-good factor strikes Wales again.

Now is a great time to kick-off your plans to make the most of the UEFA Champions League Final taking place in Cardiff on 3 June 2017.  We’re encouraging all tourism and hospitality businesses across the south and mid Wales regions in particular, to get behind one of the world’s biggest sporting events in 2017. 

The UEFA Champions League Cardiff 2017 will be the biggest sporting event to have ever been staged in Wales and will command an average live global TV audience of 200 million.  In total, over 400 million people will watch some part of the final on television.  The event is expected to deliver an economic benefit of up to £45 million for the region.

This offers a unique opportunity to reach a huge number of potential visitors.

Accommodation demand

Proven demand for accommodation in cities that have previously staged the UEFA Champions League Final is considerable, with estimates suggesting at least 55,000 people wanting to stay overnight. Cardiff is proud to stage the UEFA Champions League Final but, given the city’s size, there are challenges both in terms of population, space and accommodation supply. It is therefore vital we all work together to make sure we meet the demand for accommodation across the region and make this a great experience for all who come along.

The team finalists will only be known after the semi-finals just three weeks before the final so many fans won’t even start to book accommodation until mid May 2017.

Working together

With the world’s eyes on Cardiff, this is the greatest opportunity in recent history to promote what Wales has to offer on a global scale – that includes quality accommodation, the excellent and unique Welsh food offer and the great Welsh welcome that will enable visitors to immerse themselves in a friendly, fun and enjoyable atmosphere.

It’s the perfect opportunity for us all to work together including for example, linking-up with nearby businesses to offer tailored visitor experiences, providing transport to and from matches as there will be a huge demand on public transport services, offering free Wi-Fi and getting involved in social media. 

Why not follow the social media trends / hashtags around the event and join in - someone might be looking for a last minute booking or information about your area. 

On the day of the UEFA Champions League Final 2016, there were over 9 million tweets and 74 million interactions on Facebook. 

The Football Association of Wales (FAW) are leading on delivering the event for Wales so check out the FAW website – more Champions League information will be added in the coming weeks - and the UEFA Champions League website.

UWCL Cardiff 2017 logo

Key dates

  • The Women’s UEFA Champions League Final takes place Thursday 1 June 2017 at the Cardiff City Stadium
  • The Men’s UEFA Champions League Final takes place Saturday 3 June 2017 at the Principality Stadium
  • There will be a UEFA Champions Festival (Fanzone) in Cardiff from Thursday 1 June until Sunday 4 June 2017. Total number of attendees is estimated to be 200,000

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