TWSP Training Newsletter: May 2023

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Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership News and Updates

May 2023

Free TWSP multi-agency training

TWSP face-to-face training – either virtually or in-person – is available to all TWSP partner agencies. If you already have an Ollie account, please log in to Ollie and book your place, unless otherwise instructed. If you do not have an existing Ollie account, please email and they will be able to assist.

If you have any problems using your Ollie account, please email

TWSP training is free for all professionals and practitioners but please ensure that when you complete your Ollie account form that you complete the billing details section. This is needed in the event of non-attendance or late cancellation, or where a course is chargeable. You will be notified if there is a charge for the course for non-attendance.

Other Training Opportunities

St Giles Logo

Do you work with children and young people who could be exposed to gang involvement, exploitation and violence?

We are hosting four St Giles SOS+ training sessions for all partners to attend. Each session will be 2 hours and cover county lines, grooming and exploitation. Please use this link to book a place and find more information here.

Domestic Abuse

Free Domestic Abuse Awareness Lunch and Learn session - 14.06.23

Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership (TWSP) are hosting an online seminar (via Teams) to raise awareness around Domestic Abuse. The session will be jointly delivered by West Mercia Police, the ICB and Cranstoun (the new Domestic Abuse Service for Telford and Wrekin) and will cover the following topics:

  • The role of the DARO
  • MARAC process
  • Information on Clare’s Law (DVDS)
  • The role of a DHR’s
  • In introduction to the new Domestic Abuse Service Provider for Telford and Wrekin
  • Different forms of domestic abuse and warning flags to look out for
  • Q and A session

If you are interested in attending please just drop an email to and we will forward you the Teams link to join. A recording of the session along with any supporting information will be uploaded to the TWSP website after the event (

Domestic Abuse Commissioner’s Updates, April 2023

Please see the updates here. 

Please see additional documents below:

  •  NHSE Stakeholder Brief - Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence March here.
  • NHSE Response Online Access to Medical Records here.
  • Criteria and Aim of Leadership Course 2023-24 here.

Online Safety Conference - Wednesday 7 June, 2023

West Mercia Police would like to invite you to join us for our Online Safety Conference for front-line professionals hosted on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023.

The conference is for "non-technical" professionals such as teachers, social workers, health workers, and police officers who work with the public and need to be aware of basic online and digital risks. The event will feature a series of easy-to-understand sessions based on local incidents and crimes. Attendees will have the option to participate in-person or online and we encourage delegates to attend sessions that are most relevant to their roles.

During the first half of the day we will aim to demystify some of the most challenging online threats we face. Using local cases, we will explain topics that may have previously felt too technical or complex to grasp. We will discuss the basics of cryptocurrency by looking at how young people can use it to deal drugs. We will explain ransomware in simple terms by looking at how a local school ended up in the national headlines after being attacked, and we will examine phishing and the epidemic of fraud and scams that now account for over half of all crime nationally and often targets the most elderly and vulnerable. Our focus will be on what this means for you as a frontline professional engaging with the public. 

The second half of the day will focus on Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE), where we will explore how local children are at risk as both victims and offenders of OCSE. We will delve into the causes and potential prevention opportunities and you'll have the opportunity to hear from a range of professionals in this field, including clinical psychologists, social workers, detectives, and teachers.

Throughout the conference, we hope delegates will share their own professional experiences and challenges. There will be question and answer facilities during each topic area, with an opportunity for discussion following the deliveries and potential further collaboration. In addition to providing valuable CPD for professionals, we hope this conference will act as a springboard for longer-term collaboration and prevention work.

Technology is transforming all of our lives at an eye-watering pace, and we urgently need to come together as professionals to share experiences and ideas about how we can adapt to deliver our respective services to the public in an increasingly online world.

Click here to register for in-person ticket

Click here to register for online ticket

Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues.

Learning from Statutory Reviews

7 Minute Briefing - Clare's Law

The TWSP have created a 7 minute briefing around professional curiosity. Please see the briefing note here.

7 Minute Briefing - MARAC

The TWSP have created a 7 minute briefing around professional curiosity. Please see the briefing note here.

7 Minute Briefing - Domestic Homicide Reviews and Suicides

The TWSP have created a 7 minute briefing around self neglect. Please see the briefing note here.

NHS Virginity Testing Briefing Note

The NHS have created a briefing note around virginity testing. Please see the briefing note here.

Other News

The Childrens Society Logo

Job Vacancy

There is a current job vacancy available with the Children’s Society for a Serious youth violence key worker. Please can you share this across your organisations?

Please find more information and how to apply here.

Urban Games May Half Term

Urban Games Logo

All please more details here on the Urban games offer we are doing across the wards during May half term below, please share through your networks. Sessions are running in the following wards; 

  • Donnington
  • College
  • Arleston
  • Brookside
  • St Georges
  • Sutton Hill
  • Woodside
  • Stirchley
  • Malinslee
  • Leegomery
  • Overdale
  • Lawley
  • Lightmoor

Share information

If there is anything that you would like sharing in future newsletters, please email