But that's not all...
Here's a recap of the carbon reduction work we've been doing too.
Since this video was filmed, we've submitted a bid to central government to expand EV charging point provision in the borough, and have given 4,000 energy-saving lightbulbs to trusted partners for distribution to vulnerable local households, saving them money and reducing carbon emissions - our climate action work never ceases!
Switching to cycling
And if it's not video overload... here's one more short film for you! This time, we met with regular local cyclist, Nick on the Silkin Way in Apley Castle.
Nick chatted to us about how our investment programme into the Silkin Way is helping him and others ditch the car and opt for cycling in Telford and Wrekin.
Community news & events
Fairtrade Fortnight
From 27 February - 12 March 2023
This Saturday 4 March, from 11am to 1pm, join the Co-op team at their store in Stirchley to learn more about the benefits of buying Fairtrade and the positive impact this choice makes.
Co-op is running this event to help communities find out about Fairtrade, the impact the climate crisis is having on producers, and how you can get involved.
They say, "Let's come together and support our community in Co-operating for a Fairer World."
Repair, Recycle, Swap & Share Event
Telford Repair Cafe and Climate Action Hub Telford continue to host their brilliant monthly events, with the next one being held on Saturday 25 March from 10am - 2pm at Brookside Central, Bembridge,Telford, TF3 1LP.
Giveaway, swap for free, or take anything on a pay-as-you-can basis - for all your unwanted books, DVDs CDs, games, toys, clothes, ornaments and household items.
Repair - Telford Repair Cafe will be repairing electrical items, clothes, ornaments, household items and testing electrical items.
Recycling - Terracycle Telford will also be joining the event so you can bring along any hard-to-recycle items.

Arthog visits get even 'greener'!
Children travelling with our outwards bounds team to Arthog will be having an even greener experience now, thanks to two new electric minibuses that we've just bought.
These vehicles will mean cleaner air around the schools they visit and reduced carbon footprint for the council's operations.
Special mention goes to residents who took out our Climate Action Investment scheme last year - their money will not only deliver them a healthy return, but is also funding these vehicles which are helping to make a greener borough!
Reducing our carbon paw print
Telford Exotic Zoo is one of 26 local organisations that’s taking steps to reduce carbon emissions this year thanks to a grant from our Climate Change Fund.
Zoo owner, Scott Adams, explained:
“We need to use electricity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to replicate a range of specialised climates around the world so that we can ensure the health and wellbeing of our animals.
“Reducing our energy consumption is simply not an option, so we wanted to find a more sustainable solution, both financially and ecologically. The council’s grant is helping us begin on our path to switch to solar power and, ultimately, 100% self-generated energy."
You can read the full article in your copy of Totally Telford magazine which will be delivered free to all households across the borough later this month.
Thank you
Finally, a quick shout out to a couple of our Borough Climate Change Partnership members.
👍 I caught up with Andrew Bryers from Lyreco at their Donnington office recently and was so impressed by the way the business is embedding sustainability right across its operations. Alongside all their other initiatives, just take a look at those solar panels - all 14,000 of them - on their roof!
👍 Telford Green Spaces Partnership have also been in touch to share news of their volunteers' work around Holmer Lake. The Friends of Holmer Lake group seeded native wildflower meadows with seeds kindly provided by Fujitsu UK, which will support a wide range of pollinating insects later this year.
It's terrific to see such action. A big thank you to all the individuals and organisations that are working hard to make our borough greener.
I look forward to bringing you even more good news soon.
Cllr Carolyn Healy (Labour)
Cabinet Member for climate change, green spaces, natural and historic environment and cultural services
 Photos feature Cllr Healy visiting Lyreco to find out how the business is embedding sustainability in its operations, and the Friends of Holmer Lake volunteers hard at work enhancing the Local Nature Reserve.