We hope this update will be useful to you or someone you know. So, please feel free to share this email or the individual blog posts on social media and anywhere else you want.
If you have something that you would like to include in the next edition then please drop us an email.
New Let's Get Telford Healthy Email Campaign
We have some exciting news for you, we have launched our new campaign ‘Let’s Get Telford Healthy’
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted to many people how important it is to take care of their health and we have had to get more creative in the way that we support local people to achieve their health related goals. So we are pleased to be able to offer a NEW 12 week e-mail programme to guide people through all they need to know about getting healthy.
1,000 people have signed up and been receiving their FREE 12 weekly messages that will introduce a different topic each week to help them make the changes they chose. We have also include videos, case studies and useful links to help people get started.
Are you ready to make a lifestyle change, if yes then sign up to start your journey.
The Healthy Lifestyles Service is now open, booking telephone and video appointments.
Our free personal service can help to motivate, encourage and support local people to make changes to improve their health and wellbeing. We are here to support people wanting to lose weight, reduce blood pressure or cholesterol levels, get more active, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking or improve their emotional health and wellbeing.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you achieve your lifestyle goals or why not try our new online contact form.
You can also take a look at our private Facebook page Heathy Lifestyle Chat where you can share your stories and ideas with other like-minded people
Finding time to be creative and artistic can make a big difference to peoples wellbeing especially during these testing times. Whether you’re an experienced maker or someone who is exploring this for the first time out of lockdown boredom or frustration there’s help at hand. For those able to get onto Facebook there’s the Art of wellbeing Telford page which has on it things to do, upcoming activity and a place to share ideas and work. It covers music, dance, poetry, and visual arts both locally and wider afield.
New content coming for January 2021.
A range of partners involved are also looking to back this up with resources for people to do things from home, especially those with no access or interest in computers and technology.
It is almost that time of year again where Energize help us stay active on the run up to Christmas with their Active Advent.
Across 24 days, there are activities that anyone can get involved with. From Cosmic Kids Yoga and Balance Exercises to HIIT at Home and Sit to Stands - this calendar should have something to inspire every one of us to get moving in December.
We have lots of links and tools for you to explore that will help you achieve your lifestyle goals so why not explore what is in the tool box this month:
The Let's Dine Team's Cook-a-long playlist has recipes for everyone whether you are wanting to improve your cooking skills, introduce children to the benefits of home cooking or just tasty new meals, select your meal on Youtube.
Staying Active during lockdown or COVID restrictions is important to stay healthy both physical and mentally our Staying Active During Lockdown blog has lots of suggestions for you from Coach to 5k, Aspirations FREE home workout to our Active Families Challenge.
The NEW Healthy Lifestyle Chat group has been created on Facebook which is enabling local people looking to make lifestyle changes to support each other, sharing information and recipes. So If you are looking for support to reach your goals join the Healthy Lifestyle Chat Group.
There are new grants available focusing on health inequalities and people most impacted by COVID19. Both funds seek local projects which can improve and meet health needs within our communities. Applying as a partnership is key and we are interested in hearing from any organisations who are interested in either fund. Please contact public.health@telford.gov.uk
SaTH launches Voluntary Sector Grant
NHS Charities Together (NHSCT) has allowed a maximum of £222,766.39 to be allocated to voluntary organisations supporting NHS patients in the Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) area following a bid-based process. These partnerships could help NHS organisations by:
- Preventing admission to NHS facilities
- Facilitating discharge from NHS facilities
- Supporting patients to recover more quickly in the community after leaving hospital
- Supporting initiatives that seek to remove health inequalities and disparity in health outcomes
- Supporting the integrated care partnerships to reduce stress on the NHS and provide wrap around provision for patients.
Grants can support both new work and the enhancement or scaling up of existing projects experiencing increased demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Funding will be available to support work taking place from April 2021 for up to two years.
Applications close on 11 December 2020
For more information and to apply, contact sath.charity@nhs.net
Thriving Communities Fund
The Thriving Communities Fund will support local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise projects that bring together place-based partnerships to improve and increase the range and reach of available social prescribing community connecting activities – especially for those people most impacted by COVID19 and health inequalities.
Partnerships supported by the fund will come together to plan and deliver community activities around the arts, creativity and culture (including museums and libraries), sport and nature.
Grants of between £25,000-£50,000 are available. Applicants will need to provide 20% match funding. Projects will run for a year including planning and delivery time, commencing on 15 March 2021 and ending on 31 March 2022.
Application Deadline: 12pm (midday), 8 January 2021
For more information please visit the Social Prescribing Academy website.