Voluntary and Community Sector Newsletter September 2023

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Welcome to the September edition of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) newsletter, full of the latest funding news, events and opportunities for the sector.


People's hand together in the sky.

Mayor’s Community Grants Programme Update

Update on Mayors Community Grants Programme

The Mayors Community Grants Programme will provide £3.5 million of grant per year for VCS between November 2023 to March 2027.

The programme will fund voluntary and community sector organisations to deliver projects aligned to the council’s strategic plan 2022-26.

Applications for the programme closed on 5th June. Since then, the council have been assessing the applications.

We received 308 applications from 170 organisations, with organisations applying for over 3 times the amount we have available, meaning we will have to take some difficult decisions.

Information on the organisations who have been successful will be available on the council’s website in late September 2023 by clicking on the link here.

The council will write to all applicants to say if they’ve been successful or not around that time as well.

If you have any questions, contact the voluntary and community sector team by emailing vcs@towerhamlets.gov.uk

More info

the national lottery community fund

The Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund

This funding is for organisations that support people and communities in England under severe pressure because of the increased cost of living.

Our main priority is to fund organisations supporting low-income households and individuals.

You can apply for between £10,000 and £75,000. 

To apply your organisation must already run critical services around at least one of the following:

  • food and emergency supplies – like food and baby banks or the provision of hot meals, clothes or toiletries
  • emergency shelter – like night shelters or other accommodation for people experiencing homelessness
  • safe spaces – like domestic abuse services and youth services
  • warmth – like warm rooms and spaces
  • financial and housing advice – like giving people advice because of the increased cost of living.

The deadline for applications is 16 October 2023 at 12 noon

We’ll start funding organisations in October 2023, and finish in January 2024. If you get funding you must spend it by 31 March 2024.

Area: England

Suitable for: Voluntary or community organisations

Application deadline: 16 October 2023 at 12 noon

More Info

rocket science

Innovation Fund 2023 - 2025

Funded by the Violence Reduction Unit and is delivered by Rocket Science with capacity building support from Action for Race Equity (ARE)

London’s Violence Reduction Unit is committed to encouraging creativity, experimentation and investing in community-led solutions to addressing the root causes of violence.  

We need new solutions that are both creative and collaborative. That means supporting those who are closest to the issues with the resources they need to experiment to bring out change in their communities.  

We’re investing £1.5 million to support around 50 community-led organisations and groups to test new approaches and ideas to support vulnerable Londoners who are either at risk or have been involved in violence.

Grants of between £20,000 and £50,000 will be awarded, with an anticipated average size of c.£30,000 and support to build capacity. 

How to apply

  1. Ensure you have read the prospectus which can be found here.
  2. Complete the eligibility check which can be found here. If successful you will be taken to the application form which you can save and complete at your own pace.
  3. If you have any questions please contact Rocket Science at vruif@rocketsciencelab.co.uk or on 0207 117 2534.

Application Deadline: 4PM on Wednesday, 13th November 2023

Applications will only be accepted from organisations who can start delivery from January 2024

More Info

Funders Fair

East London Funders Fair

About this event

  • Find out about new funding opportunities
  • Talk to funders and ask them questions
  • Connect with others who may be looking for partnerships

Some of the funding organisations who will be attending include: The National Lottery Community Fund, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Citybridge, Clarion Housing Group, Wakefield & Tetley, Sport England, The Diana Award, Charity Bank, East Wick Growth Fund, Compass Wellbeing, and The East End Community Foundation.

This event is aimed at voluntary and community sector organisations operating in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Redbridge, Newham, and Havering.

Date: 12th September 2023

Time: 10:00 - 14:00

Venue: Old Town Hall Stratford, London E15 4BQ

What's On

find your

Women and girls

Find your...

True strength comes from more than just physical exercise - it comes from finding your community!

Our ‘Find your…’ campaign is all about empowering women and girls to find their place, their community, their friends and their fun to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. 

Find your place: Live your life with no limits

Everyone has unique strengths and abilities, and we want to help you find your place by moving more and being active where you can thrive. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, there's a place for you in our inclusive and supportive community.

Find your community: Live a healthy life

Wellbeing is not just about getting in shape, it's about building connections and finding a community that uplifts and supports you. Our community is a safe space where you can share your goals, inspire others, and receive motivation when you need it most.

Find your friends: Get support from people around you

In this journey you won't just find fitness buddies, you'll find lifelong friends who share your passion for living a healthy and active lifestyle. When you surround yourself with like-minded individuals, you'll find that your limits are only the beginning of what's possible.

Find your fun: Be your own inspiration

Beyond personal growth, our campaign believes in making a positive impact. As a community, we will organise activities for all to enjoy, take part and have fun.   

 More Info

CS Fun day Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

Join us on the 18th of October for a special event for Family Hubs, celebrating Black History Month!

Date: Wednesday 18th October 2023

Time: 2pm – 6pm

Venue: Mile End Children and Family Centre, E3 4GY

Discover a variety of displays and timelines showcasing important moments in Black History. Learn about influential figures who helped shape our world.

We are excited to welcome Barrister Ife Thompson as our guest speaker who will enlighten us on the impact of Black History in the UK, as well as discuss the importance of diversity in Tower Hamlets. She has a background in international human rights law, youth work and has worked as an independent researcher on Black-British history. 

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this incredible event. Mark your calendars and join us for a day of networking, celebration and education. Let's come together in a unique way with Family Hubs and celebrate our richness and significance of Black History.”



Get involved

Preventing violence against women and girls

Tower Hamlets Council is gathering information to help with future planning to reduce different forms of violence against women and girls in Tower Hamlets. The views of residents and professionals are important and will contribute to Tower Hamlets becoming a safer place for everyone. How you can help:

Please email Angela Burns to organise engagement in this needs assessment project outside of the online surveys in September angela.burns@towerhamlets.gov.uk.

THCVS Health and Wellbeing

THCVS Health and Wellbeing Forum

Thursday 19 October / 10:00am to 12:30pm / Online and in person / Tower Hamlets Professional Development Centre, 229 Bethnal Green Road, E2 6AB

Join us to better understand the puzzle of local health and care services and who is doing what and how the VCS can influence.

There has been a lot of change in the way the NHS has been structured since July last year into the integrated Care System. In the borough the focus that we have been working with the ICS to develop a VCS collaborative that can create opportunities for the sector to influence, create solutions and embed approaches. The opportunities in the borough are:

  • Working at a neighbourhood level with the Primary Care Network and Localities
  • Neighbourhood forums and localities programme
  • The community health services review
  • THT health inequalities funds and how the sector can make a difference.

The session will have presentations from:

  • Vicky Scott - update on VCS alliance with the ICS
  • Tim Hughes - Partnership Programme Lead - Localities & Neighbourhoods Programme
  • Zereen Rahman Jennings - Community Health Services review
  • Phil Warburton and the Mental Health Alliance

Followed by a workshop to enable us to:

  • Map what is currently happening and what are the decision-making structures
  • Where can we get involved and have influence to strengthen collaboration, influence funding approaches.

Click here to register

time well spent

FREE** Peer Learning workshop

The Time Well Spent 2023 Research: Implications for your volunteer programme

Wednesday 20th September 2023, 10.30am – 12.30pm, on Zoom

Time Well Spent is a research programme focusing on volunteers and their experience. Since the release of the original Time Well Spent research findings in 2019 we’ve had a global pandemic, a cost of living crisis and more. But has the volunteer experience changed? In this interactive Peer Learning session, Amy McGarvey, Research and Insight Manager at NCVO will share the latest findings from the new Time Well Spent 2023 survey. 

Venue: Zoom (the meeting link will be sent to you when your place is confirmed)

Priority will be given to voluntary sector organisations with a base/office in Tower Hamlets, or that have services aimed at Tower Hamlets residents

**Cost: The Peer Learning programme is subsidised by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH). 

  • The session is FREE to voluntary sector and public sector organisations with a base/office in Tower Hamlets, or that have services specifically aimed at Tower Hamlets residents.  However, there is a non-attendance charge of £50 and this charge will be invoiced to your organisation if you do not attend without giving 48 hours’ notice. There is no charge incurred if bookings are cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the start of the session.
  • For any organisation without a base or services in Tower Hamlets, the session costs £50 per person. The fee is non-refundable, unless you give 48 hours’ notice of cancellation.    

Book your place here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PLTWS20Sept23

Please email evelyn@vcth.org.uk if you have any questions

Useful links

For information on infrastructure support to VCS organisations in Tower Hamlets, please visit Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service.

For information on volunteering opportunities in Tower Hamlets, please visit Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets.

They are offering VCS organisations high-quality training, workshops, courses and events to help organisations grow stronger and more resilient.

Thank you for reading

We hope you found this bulletin useful. Contact us for any feedback or if you would like anything to be considered for inclusion in future newsletters.

Please note, the next issue of this bulletin will be published in early September. 

Please contact us if you wish to unsubscribe from the Tower Hamlets VCS newsletter.