Webinars, Training opportunties, VCS Grants roundup and more..

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Instagram mentoring

Apply for Instagram's first UK mentorship programme!

Small Business Britain has partnered with Instagram to offer you the chance to benefit from their first UK mentorship scheme – giving your business the opportunity to learn about content creation, marketing and social commerce from the best creators, successful founders and Instagram experts, all in the run up to the holiday shopping season.

The five successful small businesses will benefit from:

  • A content workshop afternoon with one of the UK’s top Instagram creators, covering creative tips and tricks, and developing a three-month Instagram content plan.
  • An hour-long virtual coaching session with a business mentor.
  • Three monthly hour-long sessions with an Instagram product expert, to discuss how to best use Instagram for Business.
  • £1,000 worth of Instagram ad credits - to support your growth ambitions.

Deadline for entry submissions is 19th September and winners will be contacted after 27th September. The mentorship scheme will run between October and December 2021.

Join our free webinar to start your journey and find out more about this exclusive programme.

Webinar: Tuesday 7th September, 10.00

Book your place >

Know your audience

Webinar - Know your audience

Whether you are a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C) organisation, you need to know what you are selling. More importantly, you have to know who you are selling it to!

In this session you will discover:

  • Who is your ideal client?
  • Who are your current clients and how do you get more just like them?
  • If your current clients fit your ideal client profile and what to do if they don’t
  • What kind of data you need to collect to better understand who your clients are and what they need?
  • What processes, systems and automations do you need to incorporate into your business to better understand your customers wants and needs?

Tuesday 7th September 2021, 10:00 – 12:00

Register now >

Lift Digital

Supercharge your employability

LIFT Digital Marketing School is built to boost your career prospects by equipping you with the critical skills and knowledge to successfully launch your career in the world of tech, with a specific focus on digital marketing. 

Across 10 weeks, you will gain an understanding of the core elements of marketing (Branding, Social Media, Digital Public Relations, Organic and Paid approaches). Plus, you will learn how to best market your newfound skills to launch the career of your dreams.

Deadline for applications: Wednesday 29th September 2021

Apply now >

Leadership and management

Event - Self-Leadership in Challenging Times

Leading through hard times requires resilience and more, with the tenacity to bounce back quickly. Self-leadership allows a leader to influence others to take action so that the goals of the organisation are met. In addition to helping you achieve your own personal goals for your life and career, the benefits of self-leadership include making you more efficient and productive, and keeping you motivated and accountable.

Topics covered during the workshop include:

  • Essential leadership skills
  • Process for entrepreneurial success
  • The Johari Window and MBTI
  • Developing resilience and grit
  • Work-life interface and balance

Thursday 9th September 2021, 0900 - 1300

Reserve a place >

Grants roundup

VCS Grants roundup


Free translation services

Better safer communities in partnership with London Met Uni are offering free translation services for Social Enterprises, Charities, Sole Traders and Private Companies.

Translation services can be provided for a wide range of languages including but not limited to: Portugese, French, Italian, Arabic, Polish, Romanian

For more information, please contact 07474 920 427 or email bettersafercommunities@gmail.com


Working together to address climate change

Taking action on climate change can feel overwhelming at times. But together we can make a huge difference. And momentum is building - scientists, innovators, sustainable start-ups and even big business. Business leaders need to act now to meet the demands of science, government, investors and society at large.

The climate emergency can be the catalyst to help us rethink how we do business. Together we can make a huge difference. That’s why we’re asking you to register your interest by emailing us if:

  • Your business supplies products or services that can help others reduce their carbon consumption

  • If your businesses has/is planning to introduce processes or policies to reduce carbon and help the environment

The information you provide will be used to develop a green business directory and also to inform future projects and initiatives that will contribute to achieving net zero emissions.

Contact us >

Useful business contacts

Register for Enterprise Business Support

The council's Enterprise Team provides a number of projects to support new and established businesses. Register for support.

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