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Welcome to your monthly bitesize e-bulletin from the Parent and Family Support Service.
We offer early help, targeted services and family support in partnership with schools and community venues and most recently due to the Coronavirus our services are available online through webinars, virtual meetings and forums.
Here you’ll find regular updates, information, advice, and opportunities for you to join one of our virtual networks, support groups or attend a virtual parenting session to meet other parents and carers, share your experiences and learn from each other.
For more information about the service, visit our website.
If you like this e-bulletin please share on social media, through community networks or your school website using the following share button, or you can click the hyperlink in the top right corner of this email.
Child and adult surveys open until Friday 28 May
The Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has launched a once-in-a-generation review of children’s lives.
‘The Big Ask’ is the largest ever consultation held with children. In this survey the Children’s Commissioner is asking children and young people what they think is important for their future and what is holding young people back.
The Children’s Commissioner will use what children and young people tell her to show the Government what they think and what they need to live happier lives.
It’s an exciting opportunity and a chance for every child in England to have their voice heard.
As part of the nation’s Jo Cox Great Get Together celebrations and to celebrate Father’s Day; Rich Mix in partnership with the Parental Engagement Team are hosting a special play day for dads, male carers and children.
Join in the fun and take part in a range of creative activities, from dip making to plant pot decorating and creating your own scraper-board work of art to take home!
The next Parent and Carer Council meeting will take place on Saturday 12 June, 10.45am - 12.45pm via Zoom.
Discussion topics include:
- Bouncing back: preparing for a summer of play
- An update on the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE curriculum) with the Healthy Lives Team following May’s Platform to Talk session on the subject.
- An opportunity to feed into the borough’s current Poverty Review
Public Health will be attending with the latest local Covid-19 information for families.
For more information or to join the Parent and Carer Council visit www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/parentcouncil
Tower Hamlets residents who are eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine can get support to book their appointment by calling the council's vaccine helpline.
The helpline is operated by staff who can speak eight community languages and is available for residents who want help to book their appointment, ask questions or get the latest advice.
Vaccine Telephone Helpline: 020 7364 3030
Tower Hamlets youth centre Spotlight are teaming up with Young Creators UK and Kooth for a four-day creative programme where young people aged 16-19 will design a media campaign for the council to support young people in the borough with their mental health.
Trapped in Zone One in partnership with Vallance Community Sports Association are hosting the Good for Girls programme.
The programme provides a safe space where girls, aged between 10 and 14, can talk about their mental health and learn about tools to help them manage their wellbeing. The weekly online sessions include stimulating activities that aim to promote wellbeing and challenge stigma.
To register a young person for the programme, parents or guardians need to complete a registration form.
Every Friday, 5pm - 6pm
Delivered online through Zoom
Are you interested in tackling discrimination and hate crime while giving back to the community? Why not become a Tower Hamlets No Place for Hate Champion.
Join the next training programme and you’ll gain the knowledge and facilitation skills needed to provide Hate Crime Awareness training and outreach in the community.
For more details contact Benedicta Dikeocha Tel: 020 7364 6105 Email: hatecrime@towerhamlets.gov.uk
Now more than ever parents need a safe space to come together, share their experiences and get reliable information. The Parental Engagement Team’s discussion-based ‘Platform to Talk’ sessions cover a range of topical issues from health and wellbeing to family life, parenting, school, and more.
Next session:
Supporting families with the Relationships, Sex & Education (RSE) curriculum
Parents will hear about the Department for Education’s new Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum and receive updates and information on the delivery of RSE in Tower Hamlets.
Friday 28 May, 10am - 11am
Rich Mix are re-launching their free book swap event on Sunday 30 May.
Bring along your pre-loved books and swap them for new reading adventures at this popular family event. Even if you don’t have books to swap, you are still welcome to attend and take books home.
Rich Mix expert book lovers will be on hand to offer advice on choosing a book that’s just right for your child!
A new Tower Hamlets cricket hub will be hosted at Stepney Green Maths, Computing and Science College with weekly coaching sessions until the end of the school year.
The hub is for non-fee paying school pupils aged 11-15 and is free to attend.
Under 13s Tuesdays 4.30pm – 6pm
Under 15s Wednesdays 4.30pm – 6pm
On Wednesday 2 June, the Great British Brushathon returns connecting people from all around the world in one giant communal brushing event. All you need to do is take a selfie whilst brushing your teeth and post it on social media using the hashtags #SmileMonth and #GreatBritishBrushathon
By sharing your brushing selfie and encouraging others to do the same, you can help promote the value of brushing your teeth and having a healthy smile.
The council is seeking views on poverty in Tower Hamlets through an online survey, especially its impact on children and older people.
Evidence is invited as well as the experiences and opinions of residents, local partners, and others. Please encourage and support families that you work with to complete this online.
The survey is now open and can be completed online until Monday 7 June.
You can also share your views at the upcoming Parent and Carer Council meeting on Saturday 12 June too.
Wishful Thinking is a free art exhibition of real and imagined landscapes, seascapes and cityscapes opening 8 June.
The exhibition at the Brady Arts Centre features work by Art 4u2 - a group of local artists who have created artworks in collage, paint, pastels and mixed media.
Volunteers Week – Tuesday 1 - Monday 7 June
National Smile Month – Monday 17 May - Thursday 17 June
National Week of Play – Monday 21 - Sunday 27 June
Somali Parents and Carers Network Meeting - Tuesday 22 June, 11am - 1pm
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