Celebrating the volunteers who put their community first

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Tower Hamlets banner
Thank you volunteers

Thank you volunteers and all those who have put their hand up to help residents

Volunteers’ Week (1 - 7 June), is a time for us to acknowledge and say thanks to all the incredible volunteers and those who have put their hand up to help residents across the borough. We have worked in partnership with the Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets, which has co-ordinated the Covid-19 volunteering hub, working closely with the borough's voluntary and community sector. 

Following an appeal for volunteers, the centre recruited over 2,100 people who have gone on to make a real difference. With their help, we have delivered a weekly food parcel to 5,270 households, feeding 13,614 residents. We couldn’t have done this without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. We're also grateful to those who have shown kindness by supporting their community through local mutual aid groups.

Find a volunteering opportunity >


We want to hear about your experience

The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on our daily lives. But there are some challenges we all have in common, and others that may be affecting some residents more than others.

We have launched a survey to help us better understand the impact it has had on Tower Hamlets residents. This will help us plan our services so that we can respond to the specific issues faced by our communities and provide support on the road ahead. If you can spare 10 - 15 minutes, please complete our online survey by Wednesday 17 June.

Share your thoughts >

Parking restrictions

Parking restrictions resumed

Yesterday, normal parking enforcement resumed and motorists will now need a permit to park where restrictions apply. Anyone found to be parked without a permit may be fined.

We have issued more than 4,000 temporary parking permits to key workers and we will continue to support frontline NHS and school staff, emergency services and council social workers to park for free using new paperless virtual permits.

The bus gate on Wapping High Street has also returned to operation. Signs are in place to let motorists know.

More details >

Teacher reading a book to children

Celebrating the success of our May holiday childcare scheme

Our holiday childcare scheme ran last week, over the May half term holiday, for vulnerable children and children of key workers. 62 children, representing 30 schools, took part in the scheme and we were also able to support 27 key workers families to continue to perform their vital work.

Learn more about the scheme, including how it adapted to social distancing, what activities took place, who won awards and read feedback from staff, parents and the children themselves (spoiler alert... they'd like more cake).

Read more >

Medical tubes

Please dispose of your clinical waste correctly

We are getting an increasing amount of clinical waste, such as plastic dialysis tubes, feeding tubes and other medical equipment, mistakenly placed in recycling sacks and communal recycling bins.

Clinical waste is any waste that poses a threat of infection. Common examples include swabs or needles. If you generate clinical waste at home but are not receiving a clinical waste collection service, please contact your GP for a referral.

For information on clinical waste visit our website. There is also further guidance on the safe disposal of waste if you have symptoms of coronavirus specifically.

More about waste collections >

Virtual meetings

Keep in touch as Cabinet moves online

The important rules limiting how many people can gather in the same room make holding council meetings in the usual way very difficult. We are making use of the available technology to hold virtual meetings that residents can follow online.

Tomorrow (Wednesday 3 June at 5.30pm) is our first virtual Cabinet meeting. Councillors will discuss the response to the coronavirus pandemic and the work being done to support residents and businesses as we move into the next phase. You can watch the meeting live online. 

Watch Cabinet >

Street Space for London

Help you get around safely

As the government eases some lockdown restrictions, we'll need more space to safely get around the borough while still slowing the spread of coronavirus.

Keeping two metres apart in enclosed areas like shops and public transport remains key but it can be harder to do in busy public spaces. We want to hear how you think we can make social distancing easier for walkers and cyclists and how we can improve wheelchair access for people with disabilities.

Have your say >

Liveable Streets Bethnal Green

Liveable Streets works to start next week

We’re investing more than £2 million in making streets in Bethnal Green safer for residents, schools and businesses as part of our Liveable Streets programme. Work to improve road safety, lighting and CCTV in Old Bethnal Green Road is set to begin on Friday 12 June.

Traffic will be diverted between the junctions of Clarkson Street and Mansford Street. Access for pedestrians, cycles and emergency services will be maintained.

Find out more >

Food bank image

Help support households by donating to your local food bank

The borough's food banks are supporting those who have been hit hard financially by the coronavirus pandemic. Residents have been very generous so far and have made a big difference but some items are in short supply. They include:

500g/1kg bags of rice, lentils, gram flour, flour, pasta & chickpeas. Canned vegetables, canned meat goods, peanut butter, rice pudding, jam and cooking oil.

Donations can be dropped off at the following locations:

  • Langdon Park Cash & Carry – 4 - 6 Spey Street, E14 6PZ – 07984 151957
  • Simply Fresh – 201 - 203 Roman Road, E2 0QY - 07809 251238
  • Poplar Oriental Grocery – 181 East India Dock Road, E14 0EA - 020 7515 0845

Coronavirus: useful links

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