The latest news in your community |
Are you struggling to stay warm in the cold weather? Finding it hard to feed the family? Need some help with paying the bills?
Tomorrow (Saturday 27 January) we're partnering with Teignbridge CVS to host a free cost of living event in the Food Hall of Newton Abbot Market, from 10.30am– 2.30pm.
The event will provide an opportunity for people to drop in and talk to specialists on a wide range of topics including help, advice, and information around the home; housing; energy; wellbeing; maximising income and food support.
Visitors will receive a free raffle ticket for a range of prizes including a slow-cooker, heated throw, flask and air fryer.
The cost of living crisis is affecting more people than ever before, and with the rising price of food and high energy bills, money is being stretched ever tighter. Whether or not you're working or on benefits, living alone or with your family, people of all ages from all walks of life are being affected. If you're worried about paying the bills, come along and find out what help or advice is on offer for you - it may make all the difference.
The final budget proposals for 2024/25 will be presented to our Overview and Scrutiny Committees on 6 February before being considered by our Executive on 13 February.
To help them decide, councillors will also consider the results of our annual budget survey, which has just one week left before it closes, next Friday 2 February.
Whether you're a resident or a business, this survey gives you the chance to have your say on which services we should be prioritising and how we should address our budget gap in the coming financial year.
Devolution for Devon and Torbay has taken a big step forward with the publication of Government proposals for a ground-breaking deal that could re-draw the future relationship between local government in Devon and Torbay, and Whitehall.
Read more
This week our popular Let’s Talk programme, developed as part of our South Devon Community Safety partnership, received a major funding boost from the Safer Devon Partnership to expand the programme.
Around 6,200 people have already watched the live webinar sessions, viewed the bite-sized videos on YouTube or taken part in discussions, including parents and foster carers and professionals involved in education or healthcare.
The sessions were developed to help parents of teenagers understand and have conversations with their children about some of the topics and challenges facing young people today; but proved so popular they quickly extended to encompass pre-teens, primary age children, and a one-off session tackling conversations about growing up in a porn culture.
Next is a series of sessions that addresses challenges that neurodivergent young people might face, and how to help them navigate these in a way that best works for them, and it’s working with local SEND organisations to inform these sessions.
We're looking for male carers and dads to work with us to help shape future sessions – if you’d like to get involved please contact our Community Safety team.
"The session was amazing. It’s been so hard throughout the pandemic to support my three teenagers as there’s been so much uncertainty for them. There’s so little for parents and the world our teenagers are growing up in now is very different to the world that we did. These sessions are so needed to help us as parents, so thank you.” Participant
If you're interested in volunteering, Citizens Advice Teignbridge is holding a Volunteer recruitment session on Thursday 8 February, from 1pm-3pm at its offices in Market Walk, Newton Abbot.
Prospective volunteers have the chance to meet the team and find out more about what volunteers do and see if volunteering with us is for you.
Whatever problems people face, Citizens Advice Teignbridge believes no one should have to face them without good quality, independent advice, and exists to give people the knowledge and the confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their problem.
The charity relies on volunteers and recruits and trains new volunteers several times a year. It makes volunteering rewarding and enjoyable for everyone, developing skills and supporting volunteers as they learn.
You don’t need specific qualifications or skills as full training is provided, but you’ll need to be friendly and approachable with good communication skills and be IT literate. Out of pocket expenses are paid for travel and volunteering should not affect state benefit entitlement.
To find out more about volunteering visit the Citizens Advice Teignbridge website.
This week (22-28 January) is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and to recognise that, Cancer Research is focussing on how, with research and a combination of vaccination and screening, we can make cervical cancer a thing of the past.
They've rounded up six articles to help you get better informed about HPV, vaccines, and cervical cancer prevention
Virtually all cases of cervical cancer cases are preventable.
In 2020, the World Health Organisation announced an ambitious plan to create a ‘cervical cancer-free future’. If successful, cervical cancer will become the first cancer to be ‘eliminated’ on this scale so almost no one gets it.
Everyone has a different experience of cervical screening. If you are looking for ways to make cervical screening (a smear test) better for you, there are lots of things you can try.
Jo's Trust is a charity set up to help and support women to feel better informed and prepared for a cervical screening (smear) test which can identify early signs of the cancer.
If you have a question, want reliable information or just need to hear a friendly voice, there is a free helpline on 0808 802 8000.
Payments of up to £1,500 are available to families and individuals facing fuel poverty, to write off their outstanding energy debts of between £250 and £2,000.
You need to be a British Gas customer to apply for this fund.
To be considered for a grant you must meet a number of criteria and have no received a previous grant from the Trust in the last year.
Further information, guidelines and an application form is available on the Trust's website.
The Fund is expected to close by Sunday 31st March 2024. Early application is advised as the Fund may close earlier than the end of March.
The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch is taking place this weekend. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring. Getting involved is easy. Simply, choose an hour between 26 and 28 January 2024, record the birds that land in your patch, then tell the RSPB what you’ve seen.
To find out more and take part visit the RSPB website.
Holocaust Memorial Day tomorrow
Tomorrow (Saturday 27 Jan) is Holocaust Memorial Day, when we remember all those murdered during the Holocaust and in more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
Visit the HMD website to find out more.
Council vacancies
Programme Manager; Head of Development Management; Housing Collections Officer; Rent Support Officer; Management Support Officer; Senior Estates and Development Surveyor; Estates Manager
Teignbridge Leisure
Fitness instructor; Casual leisure opportunities in Newton Abbot for swimming teachers, class instructors and sports coaches
Full details of all vacancies and closing dates for applying are on our jobs portal or follow us on LinkedIn.