Local Plan Consultation underway

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Service Update - Local Plan Consultation

This update is being sent to everyone who has signed up to receive information about the local plan since the review process started in 2017

Teignbridge Local Plan 2020-2040 .Consultation has started and runs until 13 March 2023. Have your say. Image of local plan cover

Last chance to comment on Local Plan 2020- 2040

A seven-week consultation is underway giving you a fifth and final chance to comment on the Draft Local Plan which will shape development in the district until 2040.

The consultation runs until midday on Monday 13 March. The Plan and all comments received from residents, businesses and other organisations will then be passed to the planning inspectorate for review and public examination. Anyone who submits a written objection is entitled to appear before the Inspector at the Local Plan Examination Hearing.

The Plan identifies land for homes and jobs for local people, protects valued environments and creates more public open spaces. It tackles climate change and promotes low carbon energy to help secure future needs. It also sets out the infrastructure needed to support developments such as roads, schools and health centres.

Graphic showing the approximate distribution of new homes and new employment land across the district

The Plan’s preparation reflects the desire to develop brownfield sites first, locate most new homes close to jobs, services and sustainable transport. Smaller sites for housing are identified in larger villages to support essential local services.

More than 7,000 comments submitted in the four consultations held since the review of the Local Plan began in 2017 have helped shape the content and approach of the Local Plan.

Unlike previous consultations which sought views on alternative options, this consultation is focused on whether the draft plan meets legal requirements, is in line with national policy and whether the council has cooperated with neighbouring authorities and statutory authorities in its preparation.

Find out more

Copies of the Draft Local Plan and related documents, including a short ‘Need to Know’ guide, are on our website

Paper copies are also available to view in libraries, town and parish council offices and at Forde House.

Paper copies of the documentation can be purchased on request.

How to comment

Please submit responses online using the feedback response form at www.teignbridge.gov.uk/lpconsultation

Paper copies of the response form are available on request.  Email: localplanreview@teignbridge.gov.uk  Telephone: 01626 215754

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