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25 September 2020

We need to play our part to keep coronavirus rates low in Devon and across Teignbridge

The more we stay alert

Devon’s infection rates are still comparatively low, but the number of positive COVID-19 tests have risen this week, in line with the national trend.

We currently have around 61 cases across the whole of Devon (just over half of these are in Exeter) but compared to national figures Devon rates are still low, and in Teignbridge are even lower.

But we need to follow the national guidance and be even more cautious in order to prevent any further rise locally. 

In his statement to the House of Commons and to the public on Tuesday, the Prime Minster announced further national measures (expected to be in place until March 2021) to address rising cases of coronavirus in England. 

This includes advice around face coverings, working from home, curfews on the hospitality industry, and businesses using the track and trace app.

Groups will be limited to 15 people for most events, and the planned opening up of sporting events and conferences has been postponed until further notice.

The government has announced an initial £60 million to support additional enforcement activity by local authorities and the police, in addition to funding that has already been awarded. We are assessing the impact of this announcement and await the guidelines in order to establish how it will affect staff and our service delivery.

More information on what you can and can’t do is available on the website.

Just the flu static image

Each year the flu kills on average 11,000 people and hospitalises thousands more. There’s no 'just' about it.

The flu virus spreads from person to person. Even amongst those not showing symptoms.

The flu vaccine is the best protection for you and those around you. It’s available for free to those most at risk, including pregnant women, children 2-11 years old, 65+ year olds, people with a long term health condition or who are obese, and carers and health workers.

Ask your GP or pharmacist or visit the NHS website for more details.

NHS get the app

New Covid-19 App launched to support NHS Test and Trace

A new app has now gone live to help people find out whether they've been in contact with someone who's tested positive for coronavirus, and to support them to prevent further spread. 

Downloading the NHS Test and Trace app will enable you to receive alerts via the app on your phone if you’ve recently been to a venue where someone has tested positive, and the message will give you advice on what steps you need to take next, based on the level of risk.

This works because public venues collect the data by displaying a QR code poster at their entrances. If you’ve downloaded the free NHS COVID-19 app to your phone, you can show your phone to the venue’s QR code poster, and it makes a record of your visit on your phone. The record is kept on your phone for a few weeks.

There are some other additional features with the app - find out more on the NHS website.

All businesses are now required by law to download and display the QR code poster in their venue.

Venues will continue to maintain a manual record of visitors for anyone who doesn't have a smartphone or doesn't wish to download the app.

Artists impression of Brunswick Street development

Major hotel chain for Teignmouth gets the go-ahead

Plans to regenerate Teignmouth take another major step forward this week as planning consent is given for a new Premier Inn and restaurant for the town centre.

Approval of the details of the three storey 68-bed hotel and Beefeater restaurant was given under delegated powers, and work is likely to start on the derelict Brunswick Street car park site at the end of this year, with an estimated completion date towards the end of next year.

Once completed, the Premier Inn will be the only branded hotel in Teignmouth offering affordable and high-quality accommodation for visitors to the coastal resort and boosting the local economy. 

Stoptober image

Quit smoking and breathe

Stoptober encourages smokers to put their lungs first and join over 2 million smokers who have made a quit attempt with the annual campaign.

Better Health - Stoptober is back for its ninth year, to remind all smokers that now more than ever, ahead of flu season, is the time to put your lungs first, quit smoking and breathe easier, by joining the nation’s biggest quit attempt from October 1.

New data published by UCL show that this year quitting success rates have risen from 14% to 23% (an increase of almost two thirds) with smoking prevalence among adults is at a record low of 13.9%.

If you are a smoker, quitting is the best thing you can do for your health and the health of those around you. Just search ‘Stoptober’ for more information and free tools to help you quit, or visit OneSmallStep - the free Devon-wide adults' healthy lifestyle service for more information.

Welcoming you back to our leisure centres

We've been very happy to see our regulars and some new faces returning to our leisure centres. And it seems from your social media posts that you're happy to be back too.  Here are some of the comments you've made about our Aquafit class:

Absolutely love it, get a really good workout without pounding the joints. Can't wait till we can stay for a swim after! 

There are really super ladies and the odd gent go to de stress.perfect exercise for all ages.

Its the perfect class for me. I have plantar fascitis and the exercises are of various difficulties- which means I can take each exercise as I can manage- pushing myself harder if I am able to. The coach and music is motivating and is always a giggle.

Thank you for your comments, and don't forget you can download the new app for even easier bookings!

Teignbridge leisure app

Rule of six

Click on an image to find out more

Respect those who can't wear face coverings
better health every mind matters
better health weight of my mind