Latest News from West Devon Borough Council

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15 December 2023

Latest News from West Devon Borough Council

We want your help!

west devon


We want to know what’s important to you. Is it more housing, jobs, or green spaces? Maybe it’s all those things and more! 

Let us know your thoughts on our ambitions for the Borough and have your say.

Let’s talk online.

Festive fun and free parking this December



This Christmas time, you'll find everything you need for the big day on your high street in West Devon.

Get your hands on some brilliant gifts, treat yourself to some festive food and get into the Christmas spirit with some special events. 

Find out what's happening in our towns this December. 

We're also offering free parking after 3 p.m. in the following towns this month, so you can visit your local high streets for some Christmas shopping and that festive feeling

  • In Hatherleigh and Chagford, parking is free after 3 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays
  • In Tavistock, parking is free after 3 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays (except at the Guildhall)
  • In Okehampton's Mill Road Car Park, parking is free after 3 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays

Have yourself a merry local Christmas. 

Christmas waste and recycling collections

west devon

Your recycling and waste collection days will be different over the Christmas period. Here are the dates to put out your recycling and waste this festive season. You can also find the collection dates on our website

Christmas creates a lot of waste and it's not always obvious what is recyclable and what isn't. Our guide on our website should help you know what to do when getting rid of the more tricky items you might have this Christmas.

Have your say on what you pay for parking

Car Parking

We’re thinking about changing the price of long-stay parking in our car parks – and we want you to have your say.

After keeping our parking charges the same for more than two years, inflation and rising costs means we’re planning to increase the cost of parking in our long-stay car parks – though short stay parking prices will remain the same.

We think that increasing the long stay prices – and keeping short stay prices the same – will reduce any impact on our local businesses, shoppers and everyone using essential high street services. But we want to hear from you.

Here’s exactly what we’re thinking of doing:

  • Increase long stay fees at all of our long stay car parks in Hatherleigh and Chagford, Mill Road Car Park in Okehampton, and Abbey, Bedford and Riverside car parks in Tavistock
  • Change Abbey Car Park in Tavistock from a 4 hour maximum stay to a 6 hour maximum stay car park
  • Brentor and Lydford car parks will return to Dartmoor National Park Authority to operate
  • Keep short stay parking prices the same

Have your say online.

Enjoying a tipple this Christmas?

christmas drink


Will you be enjoying a tipple or two this Christmas? Did you know that most drinks containers are recyclable?

  • Plastic bottles, their lids and metal lids from glass jars and bottles - in your white sack
  • Juice cartons - in recycling box 2
  • Glass bottles - in recycling box 1
  • Corks (natural and plastic) - these are not recyclable and should go in your grey bin

Find out more about what you can and can't recycle this Christmas. 

New year, new job?

Our Vacancies - Your Future. Woman in a yellow chair on a purple background.


We have some fantastic job opportunities this December. 

Be part of a supportive, flexible and open workplace with a job at West Devon Borough Council. 

If you are looking for a new challenge in 2024, take a look at our current opportunities