South Hams 2023/24 Budget Engagement

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27 January 2023

2023/24 Budget Proposals - Have Your Say

As part of the annual budget setting process, South Hams District Council would like to engage with businesses on the Council’s Budget Proposals for the next financial year.

The Executive have recommended the 2023/24 Budget Proposals to the Full Council meeting. The Council would like to capture the views of businesses electronically (as we did last year) and we have designed a short questionnaire for this purpose. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to share your thoughts. The survey will close on Monday 13 February and the results will be shared with all Councillors.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey.

Key Points on 23/24 Budget Proposals

We are currently forecasting a £0.30m budget gap by 2024/25.

The Council, along with other local authorities, has faced unprecedented reductions in Government funding. Between 2009/10 and 2020/21, the Council’s Core Government funding has reduced by £4 million.

The Council now receives minimal Revenue Support Grant (main Government Grant) of £138,000. Councillors have developed the Budget Proposals for 2023/24 and attached below is a link to the Executive Report of 26 January 2023

(Item 9– Draft Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals for 2023/24).