We need to have a chat…a Big Fat Chat

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Big Fat Chat

We need to have a chat…
a big fat chat

Big Fat Updates

Big Fat Chat

As someone with a vested interest in Staffordshire and public health, we thought you’d like to keep up to date with the Big Fat Chat debate with this short series of updates. 

We’ll make sure you know how you can get involved and share your opinions.

The size of the problem

Big Fat Chat

In Staffordshire 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 ten year olds are considered obese.

Not only does this limit the chances of people in Staffordshire living a long, healthy life, it also costs Staffordshire’s NHS and social care services over £100million every year in dealing with issues linked to obesity.

We’ve got lots of data that tells us that weight can be a result of the personal choices you make as well as the environment you live in.

This means that we can all play a part in tackling obesity, but we need to agree where our responsibilities lie and how far we’re willing to go to make change happen.

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Staffordshire's Big Fat Chat

Big Fat Chat

Staffordshire’s Big Fat Chat is a public debate being run by Staffordshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board. It’s about hearing opinions of people in Staffordshire on how we should tackle obesity in the county.

We’ll use people’s views, alongside other research and evidence, to agree a joint plan to tackle obesity across Staffordshire. 

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Sugar Free Survival

Sugar Free

We’re launching the debate with a week of ‘no-added sugar’ and are inviting people to try this with us. 

The Sugar Free Survival Guide can be found on our blog. 

We’ll be blogging our experiences throughout the week and would love to hear from you if you decide to give it a go.

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Big Fat Chat LIVE

Big Fat Chat Live

To mark the end of the debate, we’ll be hosting The Big Fat Chat Live on 1 March at Aquarius Ballroom in Hednesford, Cannock.

Anyone who would like to take part in the debate can join a panel of experts to explore what it will take to tackle obesity in Staffordshire and start to agree who will take responsibility for what.

We’re also planning to live stream the event on Facebook so that you can take part from the comfort of your living room.

So save the date, and we'll update you as soon as the final details are sorted.

Partner Support

Big Fat Chat

We want the debate to go as far and wide across Staffordshire as possible and we can’t do it without your support. We’ve made it really easy for you to support the Big Fat Chat by creating a bunch of campaign resources that you are free to use on your own websites, newsletters and social media.

How you can support us

  • The easiest thing for you to do is to like, share and comment on Big Fat Chat posts and when you see them on social media. It will take you just a few seconds.
  • Please spread the word by sharing this newsletter update and ask others to sign up to the Big Fat Updates
  • Use our free resources to add a quick bit of information to your websites, intranets, newsletters or social media to help us get as many people as possible involved.
  •  If you’d like to write a post for our blog www.bigfatchat.comget in touch with us. We’d love to hear your ideas
Big Fat Chat