Camberwell Community Council December Newsletter 2017

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December 2017

Southwark Council
community council branding


Camberwell Community Council meeting on 14 November 2017

The theme was Regeneration For All.

The meeting was packed with local residents, because we had 2 competing deputation about the re-opening or not of  Camberwell Grove Rail Bridge, it made for a very lively  and energetic discussion.

There were also workshops for people to participate in about the Southwark Conversations. For further information about how to be involved and have your say.

Telephone. 020 7525 3326

Camberwell Fair-Business Fund

Following on from this year`s success on Camberwell Green.  Camberwell Fair is delighted to announce that it is able to support 3 local businesses to host their own event in Camberwell.  They are offering £200 per business to spend on any aspect of the event plus marketing support and advice on other aspects of the event.

The deadline for applications is 28 January 2018.  For further information please contact

New dementia cafe in Camberwell

Dementia Cafe in Camberwell

St Giles Church Christmas services

St Giles Christmas Services

People Care Association

People Care Association

Back Southwark`s Bid to be London Borough of Culture

Southwark Bid

On line shopping

Online shopping

Help Stop Child Sexual Exploitation

Child abuse

Healthwatch. Winter Wellness. Staying Well, Warm and Safe


Winter Wellness

13 December 2017 - Winter Wellness - Staying Well, Warm and Safe

Location. Walworth Methodist Church [Clubland], 54 Camberwell Road, London SE5 OEW

Join the festivities at our annual Winter Wellness event - Booking Essential!

Come along to:

Find out about local service and support available

Take part in some chair based exercise [delivered by The Movement Factory]

Enjoy a hot lunch

Get information about health and well being

Hear from local organisations that offer support over the winter months

Sing along with the Breathe Easy Choir

Early birds will receive a goody bag, so book and arrive on time to avoid disappointment.

The event is FREE and open to all, but booking is essential - so don't miss out.

To book, Register Now On Eventbrite

If you are an organisation that supports older people in Southwark, please book a table with


Veolia relaunch £50,000. Recycling fund for London



Closing date for applications 28 February 2018. For further information please contact.


Statement from local faith groups, regarding Universal Credit

"As faith congregations, groups and charities in this wonderful borough we have seen first-hand the growing number of people suffering the negative effects of the way that Universal Credit has been introduced into our borough during the pilot phase.  We know of far too many families. couples and individuals who have been left destitute and in fear due to the way the system works.

Our experience, time and time again, is that most people just don't have the financial resilience to survive the wait for benefits and are spending far too long having to repay the debt they have built up waiting to receive a payment.  The system needs to focus on providing a situation where people can have financial security, so that they can concentrate their time on improving situations rather than just finding ways to survive.  Reducing the wait by a week is not enough!

We want to show our support for the work you are doing in asking the government to pause the roll out to other boroughs.  It is not good enough for us to continue to provide the sticking plasters of foodbanks,cooked meals and fuel poverty support alone.  These offers of help make people`s situations easier; they don't prevent the situations from happening.  In the words of Archboshop Desmond Tutu; "There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.  We need to go upstream and find out why they`re falling in."

Well we have gone upstream and seen that  Universal Credit is making people fall into financial crisis! The system needs to be paused, improved and then rolled out.

We thank you for what you have done to highlight the issue to the government.  We want to encourage you to carry on campaigning to pause and improve Universal Credit, with the knowledge that we stand with you in supporting the most vulnerable in our society."                                                                                                                                                   

New Southwark Plan