This newsletter is from the SEND Partnership, made up of organisations and services who provide support in Southend for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. This newsletter is to give you the latest updates and information on local services. |
Five years of Freedom
Freedom is a club night for anyone over 18 with a disability or a different ability. It runs every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Moo Moo Clubrooms until 1 March when it moves into a new home in Popworld Southend.
Read more of their story here.
Referrals for neurodevelopmental assessment and support
The neurodevelopmental diagnosis pathway for children and young people in Southend, Castle Point and Rochford is provided by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT). It is delivered by a team of professionals who can assess and diagnose conditions such as ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, tics and Tourette’s syndrome.
A new referral process launched in January 2023. Any healthcare or education professional can now refer a child or young person for assessment within this service.
If you have concerns about your child’s neurodevelopment, please speak to your child’s GP or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENCO). For very young children, speak to your Health Visitor.
Find out more
Southend SEND Independent Forum - wellbeing event
SSIF is holding a FREE event to help parents and carers improve their own wellbeing, with incredible taster sessions to support your Mind, Body and Energy!
The event takes place on Monday 13 March between 10am and 2.30pm.
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Revised SEND Strategy returns to cabinet
A revised version of the SEND strategy will be discussed at Cabinet following input from the Children, Learning and Inclusion Working Party.
The recommendation in the report is to agree the revised strategy, which is intended to cover April 2022 until March 2026, and once agreed, for it to be available in a variety of different accessible formats.
The strategy is a joint document, produced by the Southend SEND Strategic Partnership, which is made up of partners in social care, health, education, parents forum and the voluntary sector. Once agreed by the council, it also has to be approved by the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board.
Find out more.
Inclusion in Southend-on-Sea
Southend City Council is currently leading on a review of inclusion, the SEND graduated response and alternative provisions across schools, settings, and services. This also includes a review of inclusive practice within the local area and associated support available to children and young people, families, and schools.
To support this review, Southend’s Education Board agreed an annual ring-fenced budget, to increase opportunities for inclusion in Southend. The focus of the first years spend is for children and young people of compulsory school age. A Task and Finish Group was appointed to lead on this piece of work and implementation of recommendations outlined in the review’s findings. The Task and Finish Group has identified 4 key themes to concentrate its focus.
The local authority is also running a number of alternative provision pilots. The scope and specification for these pilots were determined by the outcome of the Inclusion Survey from schools, parents and carers, and services. The results identified the need for provisions to support all primary and secondary key stages. For dual registration, either placed in a base in a mainstream school or in a new off-site provision. The local authority is in the process of agreeing and commissioning the pilots with successful schools/trusts in our local area. These are due to run for the next two academic years from September 2023 with the success of the pilots being reviewed at appropriate stages. The LA will inform families, schools, and services which pilots have been successful and for which age groups soon.
Find out more.
Stepping Stones Triple P course
Stepping Stones Triple P is a free, six week, face-to-face course for parents of children aged 0 to 12 years who have suspected or diagnosed additional needs. The course, provided by Southend Family Centres, offers a relaxed environment for parents to have open discussions and provides Triple P's evidence-based strategies to support when managing your child's behaviour and embedding positive parenting.
During the course parents are guided through different approaches through a range of activities, supporting them to gain new knowledge and influences.
The course explores the following areas:
- What is positive parenting
- Behaviour approaches
- Planning ahead
- Drop-in sessions from local community services
Booking is required. Please visit the Local Offer for contact information and further details: Stepping Stones Triple P | Livewell Southend
Home to School Transport for children and young people with SEND
Is your child starting a new school or college in September? Did you know some children and post 16 students that will be attending their closest suitable school or college, might be eligible for help with travel.
If you wish to enquire about the possibility of transport or to make an application, then it’s never too early to do so.
You can visit the Local Offer website for more information on this topic Home to School Transport for children and young people with SEND
Alan Smith, is the SEND Team Transport Entitlement Officer and is happy to answer any questions families have. He can be contacted on educationtransport@southend.gov.uk in the first instance, or telephone 01702 534883.
Southend SEND: Early Identification and Support Toolkit
Experts in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have worked together to develop a guide to support with the early and accurate identification of Special Educational Needs (SEND) across Southend.
For professionals, the 'Southend SEND: Early Identification and Support Toolkit’ gives information about ‘tried and tested’ assessment tools, and can be used by settings to support conversations with families and to ensure better consistency across the City. The guide also gives examples of questions that may be asked to support decision making around if and when an assessment may be helpful.
The guide was developed by education and health colleagues at Southend-on-Sea City Council, professionals and with families, through events offered through the Council’s SEND Leadership Programme and targeted discussions within schools.
You can view the guide here: Southend SEND: Early Identification and support toolkit | Livewell Southend
Annual Review Survey for children and young people
An annual review survey for children and young people is now live. The Southend Council SEND team want to hear from children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) about their experience of the annual review process and if they feel the support they are getting from their EHCP is helpful and makes a difference to their overall progress and development. The survey is anonymous. A survey is also available for parent carers.
Children and young people annual review survey: www.southend.gov.uk/MyARSurvey
Parent carer annual review survey: www.southend.gov.uk/ARSurvey
Tribunal study
HM Courts and Tribunal Service is carrying out a study into first-tier tribunals for SEND appeals. They are seeking the help of parents, guardians or young people who have made appeals to the SEND tribunal, about their experience. If you have experience, would you consider giving your feedback?
Find out more
SEND surgeries
The Southend-on-Sea City Council SEND Team are holding monthly SEND Surgeries in community locations across the city. The surgeries provide parent carers with a friendly and informal opportunity to drop in, ask questions and receive support on anything relating to SEND. Booking is not required.
The next surgery will be held on Tuesday 21 February between 9 and 11am at Southend Adult Community College. Among those available to support parent carers will be Victoria Coatsworth (Specialist School Nurse for SEN), from the Public Health School Nursing Team.
For more information, feedback from parent carers, and future dates and venues, visit the SEND Local Offer: www.southend.gov.uk/SENDsurgeries.
Annual Health Check for people with a learning disability reminder
People with a learning disability can have poorer physical and mental health than people who don’t have a learning disability. This does not need to be the case. Annual health checks are free and are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability who are on their GP learning disability register.
An annual health check helps you stay well. By talking about your health and anything that may be worrying you to a doctor or nurse can help find any problems early, so you get the right care. You can find out more about annual health checks here: Annual Health Checks for people with a learning disability