As part of the Council’s redevelopment of Townhill Park and following consultation with residents, we are soon to commence significant highway improvements along the length of Meggeson Avenue. In addition to surfacing the road and footways, there will be traffic calming measures and new crossings near the schools. The improvements will lead to a safer, more pleasant environment that enables people to walk, cycle and use the bus with greater ease. Below are some artist's impressions of how the scheme may look. You can also see a map of the works on our website.
Preparation work for the project began in January. The main construction work is planned to start from Monday 10th February 2020 and is expected to take up to 34 weeks. Work will be undertaken in the phases outlined below.
Phase 1: Townhill Way to Paulet Close – 10th February until April 2020
Phases 1, 3 and 4 will predominantly focus on ground preparation works. These will include repairs or changes to kerbs, footway resurfacing and in one section a widening of the footway to turn it into a shared cycleway for cyclists going uphill to Townhill Way. We will also be installing extra high kerbs at bus stops to improve accessibility.
To manage these works with minimal disruption, we will work in sections along one side of Meggeson Avenue before switching sides. This means traffic will be able to pass under two or three-way temporary traffic signals. During the start of phase 1, the roundabout junction with Townhill Way will temporarily be replaced with three-way traffic signals for around 4 weeks.
Phase 2: Installation of ducting pipes across Meggeson Avenue in four locations - March for 1 week
We are installing ducting pipes with manholes at either end across the width of Meggeson Avenue near Paulet Close, Meggeson Avenue near Wakefield Road, Wakefield Road itself and Ozier Road both near to the junction with Meggeson Avenue. This is to provide access for utility services to install cables and pipework in the future.
To do this we need to excavate a trench across the width of these roads, and this will require a closure for one or two days at each location during this week.
Phase 3: Paulet Close to Ozier Road - April until June 2020
See description in phase 1.
Phase 4: Ozier Road to Hillgrove Road – Summer 2020
See description in phase 1.
Phase 5: Resurfacing of carriageways - Late Summer 2020 for up to 5 weeks
Once all the ground preparation works are complete, we will resurface Meggeson Avenue up to the section that was resurfaced in 2017.
To undertake these works, we will need to close Meggeson Avenue in sections during the day.
Phase 6: Installation of speed cushions and textured print - Late Summer 2020
Once the new road surface has been laid, there will be a period when that surface needs to cure and dry out before we can apply the coloured textured print to the raised areas. We will also be installing the speed cushions along much of Meggeson Avenue.
Thank you for your patience while we carry out these works. If you require assistance or experience any difficulties during the works, please speak to the site foreman who will be happy to assist. Once complete, the project will create a more enjoyable, welcoming environment for all local residents.
For up-to-the-minute travel information, follow us on Twitter @scchighways or for additional information and updates, visit