Birth to 3-year-olds | Shropshire Learning Gateway
NEW article added:
Please see below further details of a FREE Saturday Conferences in London, York, Norwich, Manchester, Falmouth and Bristol, over the Spring and Summer in 2025.
Getting it Right in the Baby Room: A Free Conference for Educators and Nursery Managers
Are you a baby room educator or nursery manager? Are you extending your baby room or hoping to improve practice in the baby room?
The Nuffield-funded research team behind are launching a FREE Saturday conference called ‘Getting it right in the baby room’. It’ll be a day of inspiring speakers and engaging conversations all about the baby room, with lots of delicious food thrown in. They’re coming to six cities around the country over the spring/summer: London, York, Norwich, Manchester, Falmouth and Bristol.
Places are limited so if you’re interested and want to book a space, please head to:
As the Wraparound Childcare Programme Grant continues into Spring 2025, we are still looking for providers to either create or expand wraparound provision within the below parameters.
If you are looking to create or expand existing wraparound childcare for 5–11-year-olds, term time only, Monday to Friday, provision from the hours of 8am – 6pm (or equivalent, e.g. 7:30am-5:30pm) please consider applying for the grant funding.
The DfE have recently confirmed that if you onboard onto the scheme BEFORE March 2025, you will be guaranteed funding for FY25/26 too.
Guidance can be found here: Wraparound childcare: guidance for schools and trusts in England
If you are interested or would like some more information, please contact
After the very successful pilot project, it has been confirmed that the Neurodiversity Practitioners (NDPs) will be staying as a permanent team within the Shropshire Educational Psychology Service (EPS). The team will be a partially traded service, and we are exploring expanding boundaries to include more schools and settings as well as being able to support the broader neurodiverse constellation, i.e., broader than autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. We would like to thank the schools, families and, of course, the children who have provided feedback and enabled us to evolve the team and their offer over the pilot and into this new chapter. The NDPs would also like to celebrate the enthusiasm, effort and progress made in supporting neurodiverse children and young people and in developing neuroinclusive learning environments, and very much look forward to working with more schools and settings across Shropshire in the future.
Two specialist nursery nurses started the Children’s Developmental Centre team this week. In addition, the Band 7 SLT 0-5 ASD lead role has been approved and the new 0-5 autism assessment reporting is very close to being ready.
The care letters from BeeU are being coproduced and are nearly ready for dissemination.
We are in the latter stages of redeveloping a model to deliver Autism Education Trust (AET) training within Shropshire. Adding to the AET Good Autism Practice (GAP) and Leadership GAP training, which we are encouraging schools and settings to use as a solid foundation for knowledge and skills development, we are planning to offer some additional neuroinclusive practice modules based on the excellent continued professional development offers collated through the Partnerships of the Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project. Moreover, the NDPs will be able to offer schools and settings additional support with the implementation of this learning, if requested.
The Neurodiversity pages on Healthier Together website remain in top five of most visited pages on website and are actually in the top five three times. We very much hope that this means that the information on these pages are of value and interest to children, young people and their families, settings and schools. Support for neurodivergent children and their families
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is now being discussed at different strategic and operational levels, thereby moving the dialogue forwards and increasing awareness. We are planning on adding to this and to continue the momentum.
Dr Kathryn Morgan
Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist for Neurodiversity, Shropshire Educational Psychology Service
Please could you take the time to complete this short MS Forms Early Help Information.
This will help both Shropshire council and the safeguarding partnership to consider how we both gain and record information as well as highlight where there may be a geographical need for additional help and support for our families.
Thank you to those who have already completed the MS forms
Important EIG information - an exciting opportunity to be part of the future.
As you may be aware we are currently working to relaunch our Early Years Intervention Grant (EIG) Funding panel as the Early Years advice and Funding Panel.
We are now at a position where we would like to test out our proposed new paperwork and panel format with your support. From this we will learn what works and where final adjusts and tweaks are needed.
To support this we will be asking settings who put in requests for the following panels to trial the new paperwork and new panel format.
- Wednesday 5th February 2025, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
- Tuesday 18th February 2025, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
- Wednesday 5th March 2025, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
For new requests settings will be asked to attend panel at a given time for a 10-minute slot in which to present their case and take part in a discussion, answering any questions panel members may have. Guidance on attending and presenting at panel is included in the links below. We ask that the person attending from the setting is someone who knows the child extremely well. Each settings' time slot will be sent in a confirmation email once the request paperwork has been received. The email will include a link to the Teams meeting for the panel to be attended. We ask that you join the meeting 5 minutes ahead of your time allocation; you will enter a waiting lobby and will be admitted to the meeting at your allocated time.
Those settings requesting a review to funding will not need to attend panel but maybe contacted to provide some clarification, if panel feel this is needed.
Request and Review Paperwork
All paperwork must still be returned to the inbox
Presentation advice and Guidance
A guide to what to include with your request, along with support to help you prepare to present at panel can be found through the link below.
Your feedback is vital
After attending panel in your decision email, there will be a feedback link. We welcome all feedback on the request and review paperwork along will the panel process. This will be so important to enabling us to make amendments, if needed, to the paperwork and process ahead of the launch at in April 2025.
We extend our thanks to all those settings who will be involved in this test and learn project.
Heidi White
Please find attached a copy of the new diary dates for Summer 2025 through to Spring 2026. These include headcount opening and closing dates and also the monthly funding payment dates. Please ensure that you add them to your diaries/calendars.
In response to provider request, we have set the payment dates to fall on the 1st of each month. In order to achieve this, we will have a much tighter window to work through our pre-payment checks/resolve overclaims following every Actual headcount submission. Therefore, any funding changes that come through after the Actual headcount window has closed each term, will be added to the adjustment payment run towards the end of term.
Please find attached the poster with all the information for the Forest school leader training - Level 3
Early Years Funding Code of Practice
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework for Childminders
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework for Group and School-Based Providers
Early Years Funding for Foster Children
CPD Early Years and Schools | Shropshire Learning Gateway
Early Years CPD
Early Years Information Pages on the SLG
Early Years Resource Library
Funding Diary Dates (headcount windows and payments)
Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)
Parent Declaration Form (Summer 2024 to Summer 2025)
SEND and Inclusion Newsletter
Shropshire SEND Local Offer
Support Request Form (SEND)
Funding Claims, Free Entitlements, Eligibility Codes, Provider Portal etc.:
Admin Team:
Job Vacancies:
Admin Team:
Buildings, Premises, Accommodation, and any related issues including schools looking to adopt their local pre-school:
Andy Nicholls:
Wraparound Childcare Programme:
Dan Steele:
School Sustainability Funding:
Jo Morris:
Qualifications, Ratios, Staffing etc.:
Beverley Jones:
Safeguarding and Child Protection:
Charlotte Percival:
Early Intervention Grant - applications and admin:
Admin Team:
Applications for EYPP and 30-Hour Entitlements for Children who are Looked After:
Admin Team:
Applications for Disability Access Fund:
Admin Team:
Information, advice and guidance in relation to SEND children:
Any other queries that don’t fall into the above:
Remember – we also have the MS Teams site:
If you are not already a member of this group, then please email and we will get you access.
Alison Rae
School’s Improvement Commissioner Adviser Early Years Foundation Stage
Education Improvement Service
Tel: 01743 254467
Beverley Jones
Education Improvement Service
Early Years Consultant
Tel: 01743 254454
Charlotte Percival
Safeguarding Officer
Tel: 01743 254147
Admin Team (funding queries):
Beth Parry-Jones, Brydie Porter & Sarah Jones
As we all know for most the festive period is often a happy time, but this isn’t always the case. We often see with the increase of financial pressures, having busy family time and people increasing their alcohol consumption that there is an increased risk of situations escalating. Unfortunately this means that the risk of harm and the potential of abuse also increases.
We all have a duty to safeguard and protect children whether they are directly in our care or in our community.
If you have concerns that a child or young person is being harmed or is at significant risk of being harmed, please contact First Point Of Contact (FPOC) on 03456789021. Remember to complete a MARF within 24 hrs of contacting compass.
If it is out of working office hours please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 03456789040.
If you believe that a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm please call the police on 999/ 101.