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VCSA Newsletter Week of 29th May 2023
Shropshire Council sent this bulletin at 29-05-2023 10:20 AM BST
The community wellbeing outreach team conduct surveys in the community
Assessing the Local Health and Wellbeing Needs of Shropshire
Shropshire Council have a statutory requirement to carry out assessments to find out the health and wellbeing needs of our communities, to help them to plan and commission the best possible services for residents.
These assessments are known as the joint strategic needs assessments (JSNA), and are carried out in partnership with the voluntary sector and the NHS, alongside Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin’s Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation. These joint findings are shared and used to inform health and care decisions for the community.
The assessment is being developed by using data about the health and wellbeing of the population, and by understanding the views of our population through a health, wellbeing and community survey. Local people can take part in online or in person with the council's community wellbeing outreach team (Adam, pictured above, is a member of the team).
So far, Highley, Oswestry, Bishop’s Castle and Whitchurch have all completed the joint strategic needs assessment survey, and the programme has now moved to Shrewsbury and the surrounding area.
The survey takes account of a wide range of factors that are known to impact on health and wellbeing, including housing, equality, environment and relationships. These factors are sometimes known as the wider determinants of health.
The place-based joint strategic needs assessments for Shropshire will continue to progress over the next 12-18 months, and local Shropshire Councillors will help to engage their communities as they are scheduled for assessment.
Grants Awarded to Voluntary and Community Organisations to help Support People’s Wellbeing
Voluntary and community organisations across Shropshire have been awarded grants to help them support local communities.
The Adult Social Care Preventative Small Grant fund from Shropshire Council is awarded to community and voluntary organisations that support the health and wellbeing of residents through community-based activities.
This year 18 organisations were awarded grants, totalling over £40,000. Click here for a full list of those awarded funding.
Organisations will host activities that will:
help people avoid hospital admission
support those discharged from hospital to regain their independence
help people with cost of living pressures
support people’s health and mental wellbeing.
support falls prevention and reduced levels of inactivity.
Thirty-two organisations had applied for the annual grant: those who weren’t successful in funding this year were signposted to other sources of support.
NCVO Hosts New Charity Interns Project for Over 50s
Charity Interns will explore new routes into voluntary sector employment for people who may not have experience in the sector. An initial pilot programme will run between late 2023 and early 2024. Up to six candidates aged over 50 will be placed on a six-month paid internship with a charity.
The voluntary sector is currently facing recruitment challenges and skills shortages. Charity services and staff are also being stretched by ever-increasing demand, rising costs and falling income. Charity Interns will help address these issues by tapping into a wider and potentially overlooked talent pool. The project will also support inclusion in the voluntary sector and counter negative stereotypes around older workers.
Internships are generally seen as pathways for younger people to gain skills, enter work or retrain. However, older workers also need supported routes into our sector. Many people aged over 50 have relevant transferable skills and knowledge but find it hard to access charity careers. They want to make a difference but don’t know how.
Charity Interns will be incubated by NCVO. The project will operate independently but within their governance structures. It’ll also be supported by a number of partner organisations.
Alzheimer’s Society has been announced as the first of four internship partners. They’ll host interns taking part in the pilot programme later this year. Charity Interns is actively seeking three further partner organisations to take part.
Recruitment specialists Charity People are also backing the project and have supported its development. They’ll also help recruit interns for the pilot following the official recruitment launch in late June.
Future Ready Homes is a Marches Energy Agency (MEA) project (delivered in partnership with Severn Wye Energy Agency) to promote retrofit and energy efficiency in homes across the Marches.
The project has just launched a new website, designed to give homeowners useful information and advice on how they can retrofit their homes.
If the website doesn't have the info needed, then contact information is readily available for residents to get in touch and have their questions answered.
They have resident experts at MEA and at SWEA, and if they can’t help they've gathered an expert panel of architects, structural engineers, heritage specialists and others, so they are confident they can find an answer, no matter how tricky the question.
Applications are now openfor the UK Social Enterprise Awards
The Awards are the biggest celebration of the year in the social enterprise calendar, recognising the best in the sector - both organisations for their business excellence and contribution to society, as well as the incredible individuals who work at the heart of the social enterprise movement.
Winners will be announced in a gala ceremony on Thursday 30 November at the iconic Roundhouse in Camden, London. Please submit applications by midnight on Friday 30 June.
If you have any questions about the UK Social Enterprise Awards please contactinfo@seukevents.org.
New RSN Report: Rural Households and the Cost of Living Crisis
A survey of rural households released last week by the Rural Services Network (RSN), shows that more than 75% of respondents say that their financial situation has got worse over the last year. The RSN, which represents rural councils and other rural service providers, conducted the survey with the Rural Issues Group of Citizens Advice to better gauge the impact of the cost of living crisis on households in rural areas across England.
Responses to the online household survey were received by a staggering 6,780 rural residents in a clear demonstration of the severity of the situation.
Headline findings of the survey showed:
After paying for essentials, two thirds of respondents are in households with a little income left over for other things. However, a fifth of respondents live either in households with no income left over, or in households where the essentials alone exceed their income. These essentials included rent or mortgage, food and drink, essential car or travel costs and childcare.
Rural residents are cutting back on spending across the board and this is especially true for low income households where notable examples are reduced spending on home heating (90%) and visits to hospitality venues (91% of such households).
The May meeting of the Shropshire Charity Network focused on helping charities to reduce their risk of fraud. Clair Moelwyn-Williams,Partner at TCA Accountants, who specialise in accounting for charities, presented some examples of possibilities for fraud impacting charities in Shropshire and ways that charities can work to decrease their risks for being exposed to fraud.
Claire shared a number of resources for charities to help reduce fraud risks, including:
The Shropshire Charity Network meets roughly every month and provides speakers, networking opportunities and other resources for charities and other not-for-profit organisations in Shropshire. Be sure to register for their next meeting in June (more info available under Events below)!
Interested in having your organisation's stories of success featured in our newsletter, website or social media? We want to hear from you! Contact: VCSAssembly@shropshire.gov.uk
Men with Cancer Diagnosis: SaTH are looking for men to join a task and steer group, working with the Personalised Care Team as part of the Living With and Beyond Cancer Programme, to help them create a focused session for men. They are looking for anybody to be involved as much or little as they would like: whether this be just giving comments and feedbacks or getting more involved and joining the task and steer group to help shape the session. Please help spread the word about this opportunity. Closing date TBD
Shropshire Council Recommissioning Digital Carer Support: Shropshire Council commissioned a Digital Carer Support service in December 2021. Mobilise online was awarded the contract and works closely with the Shropshire Carer Support team, within Shropshire Council, to ensure we provide an all-round service to identify and support more carers in Shropshire, including carers who may previously have been marginalised e.g., working carers, parent carers, young adult carers and hidden carers.
The digital carer support contract is ending in December 2023, and they are recommissioning a digital service. They are asking all carers who have used the digital support service delivered by Mobilise to tell them their thoughts on what went well, any difficulties and anything that may be missing from the digital service.
It’s important to the council that the services they provide are well-designed for the people who will be using them. The feedback we receive will help us to do this. We are hoping to hear from adult carers with a wide range of personal experiences and different circumstances; we know that everybody’s story is unique. We would particularly like to hear from young adult carers and working carers.
Please help to distribute this short questionnaire to service users describing their experience of receiving digital support and any suggestions to improve the digital service Shropshire Council are commissioning. Closing date TBD
Health Needs Assessment for Shrewsbury: Shropshire Councils Public Health Community Wellbeing Outreach Team is collecting the views and wishes of all Shropshire residents regarding their current and future health and wellbeing needs. They feel it’s very important to make sure community voice is heard when decisions are made about where funding is allocated across Shropshire. Right now, they are surveying Shrewsbury residents only. Please help spread the word about this research. Closing date TBD
Healthwatch Shropshire - Complaints About Health and Social Care: Healthwatch Shropshire wants to know about people’s experience of making complaints about their NHS or social care services, not only if people achieved the outcome they sought through the complaint but also their experience of making the complaint, did they feel supported, did they have the information they needed, how they were treated and if they felt listened to. Closing date TBD
Healthwatch Shropshire - Diabetes Service Changes: To address the rising prevalence of diabetes in our community STW Integrated Care System wants to transform diabetic care pathways with a vision of improving the lives and treatment outcomes for patients affected by diabetes or those at risk of developing it. In order to do this, they would like to hear from people with diabetes or those who have been identified as being at risk of developing diabetes (pre-diabetic) about their experiences of diabetic care and support. They will then share the responses with the NHS and Public Health to help inform the transformation programme and ensure the patient voice is at the centre of developments. Closing date TBD
Health and Care Workforce Health and Wellbeing Survey: The ICS is conducting a survey of its workforce to determine what to offer for their health and wellbeing needs in the future. Please note, this survey is also for VCSE sector staff and volunteers working in health and care fields. Closing 31st May
The Shropshire Council Strengthening Families team want to support families in Shropshire and improve their services where needed. They are asking all parents, whether in a relationship or not, their thoughts on the language and approaches that practitioners might use to support local families. Please share this survey with your service users where appropriate. Closing 9th June
School Aged Children Stakeholder Survey: Shropshire Council public health team is seeking the views of all services and organisations that support children aged 5-16 years old, including children with SEND. Closing 13th June
The Shropshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan: (LCWIP or ‘Cycling and Walking Plan’ for short) is the council's long-term plan, aimed at dramatically improving the safety, comfort and attractiveness of walking and cycling in the county. The purpose of this plan is to set out a prioritised list of schemes for delivery over the next ten years that will improve walking and cycling infrastructure for Shropshire residents, workers and visitors alike. Closing 16th June
The Cycling and Walking plan covers the following towns (click below for the survey link):
Two online webinars covering the proposals for each of the seven towns (6pm on 18 and 25 May details TBC)
Workshops with schools to get the opinions of children and young people (w/c 19 June, details TBC)
The Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation Survey: The aim is to understand local views on what is affecting people's health and wellbeing, and what things would make the biggest difference to improve experiences of local health and care services. The ICS is inviting anyone who lives, works, or accesses health and care services in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to tell us their views about local health and care services and what should be done to improve them.People who register their views can also opt in to enter a free prize draw with a chance to win £100 worth of vouchers (terms and conditions apply).Please share widely with service users. Closing 22nd June
Rural Youth Survey: Rural Media have launched a follow up on their successful Point of View Youth Survey aimed at rural young people. This year for the first time it is being rolled out to Shropshire as well and organisations from Shropshire have had the opportunity to add questions. Data from the survey will be available to anyone and it will be possible to isolate data just for Shropshire. Please help spread the word with your service users. Closing 7th July
Shropshire Electoral Boundary Review: The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has published draft recommendations for new divisions, division boundaries, and division names for Shropshire. If you represent a local organisation or community group in Shropshire, please pass this message on to your members or anyone you think who might be interested in the review. Closing 10th July
Websitewith information on the review and proposals
Linkto feedback form to provide views on the proposals
This year's assembly theme will be promoting mental health and wellbeing for voluntary sector staff and volunteers. We will have speakers and a workshop that fit this theme. Our agenda will also cover a review of the work the VCSA has done this year to further the sector's priorities.
Full agenda will be available soon!
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served, and tables for putting out materials will be available. Time will be set aside specifically for networking with other VCSE organisations, so please feel free to bring your organisational flyers and materials. Please email Sarah Hampson at vcsassembly@shropshire.gov.uk if you plan to bring banners or other materials bigger than leaftlets for a table, just so that we can be prepared to accommodate you.
If you will need transportation from the Shrewsbury bus or train station to the football ground, please email Sarah Hampson at vcsassembly@shropshire.gov.uk as soon as possible as we are making arrangements for a shuttle.
Are you a community or voluntary organisation working on health and care? Join us for our next meeting of the Shropshire Health and Social Care Forum 6th June from 9:30-11:30am at Community Resource in Shrewsbury.
Attending the meeting will be Marianne Grant the ICS/VCS Engagement and Partnership lead. She will be discussing how this role supports the voluntary sector including a discussion with forum members on thoughts about how the role can help the sector.
Also attending will be Naomi Roche the Personalised Care Programme Manager from the Partnerships Team of Public Health. As we are one of 7 ICBs nationally to host a Creative Health Associate to work across our region, Naomi will be speaking about the work of the associate and her own role in creative health followed by discussion with forum members on what we are already doing or could do to support the creative agenda. See National Centre for Creative Health for more details on the creative health associates programme.
King’s Award for Voluntary Service Briefing Sessions
The King's Award for Voluntary Service celebrates the outstanding work of local volunteer groups across the UK. Groups do not have to be a registered charity and any voluntary
organisation with three or more volunteers can be nominated. The award is the equivalent to an MBE and the highest award given to local voluntary groups in the UK, giving Royal recognition to the work they do.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire has been delighted to see so many voluntary groups in the county being awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service and would like to support even more organisations across Shropshire win this award which following the Accession of King Charles III, has now become The King’s Award for Voluntary Service.
To help and encourage voluntary organisations understand the award and the nomination process the Shropshire Lieutenancy will be holding one more briefing session:
Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 7pm - 8pm
Via Zoom
What the recipients say:
Joe Lockley, Director of Bright Star Boxing Academy said,
“Winning this award is absolutely amazing for all of the staff and volunteers at Bright Star, it’s great to see the impact we’re having is recognised nationally. ”
Are you a voluntary sector organisation working with young adults with mental health issues? Maybe your organisation is not yet working with this population but is interested in finding some funding to expand into this work?
This workshop is for you!
The Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust (MPFT) is seeking your support to achieve their Community Mental Health Transformation objectives as set out below in the infographic.
Via the Shropshire Telford and Wrekin DPS they are looking to commission and provide grants for new bespoke VCSE-led initiatives working with adults with complex mental Health need living within Shropshire Telford and Wrekin.
The funding rounds will include services for 18-25 year olds with further funding opportunities to address health inequalities, reach out to marginalised groups and hopefully go some way to addressing service gaps identified within local communities.
At this workshop you will:
Help to develop grant criteria for the funding rounds aimed at supporting 18-25 year olds with complex mental health needs in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
Learn more about the upcoming grants for the Community Mental Health Transformation and how your organisation can apply
Meet and network with other VCSE organisations working on similar goals
This workshop is hosted by the Shropshire Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly (VCSA), Telford & Wrekin Chief Officers Group (COG), the Telford Unlocking Potential Alliance, and the MPFT Community Mental Health Transformation.
Come and join in a fun and informal networking session for those working in and with the charity sector in Shropshire!
Shropshire Charity Network are delighted that they will be joined at the session by Mandy Thorn MBE, the High Sheriff for Shropshire, who will be sharing her aspirations for her Shrieval Year.
The event will take place at the Lion and Pheasant in Shrewsbury in the large upstairs function room. Please grab a drink from the bar downstairs and make your way up to join everyone.
The event is free to attend. Numbers are limited so please do book your place using the Eventbrite link.
Free Motivational Interviewing Training
20th June09:15 – 16:00 Online
Free opportunity for VCSE organisations to participate in this training offered through the ICS.
If you spend your life explaining what your service users should, could, must or need to do then this is the course for you. Motivational interviewing is a style of communication that uses a guiding/reflective style to engage with people, clarify their strengths and aspirations, and utilise their own motivations for change, and promote independence of decision making.
Carers Week is an annual event to raise awareness of caring. The theme this year is ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community.’
Carers week is our opportunity to say thank you to all unpaid and family carers in Shropshire.
Shropshire Carers Support Team are excited to share this year’s programmes for both face to face and virtual activities with you. Please click HEREfor face to face activities and HERE for virtual activities. Like last year, they have extended the programme over a two-week period (5 – 18 June 2023) to try and reach as many carers as possible. There is a blended mix of face to face and virtual options – whether you want to come along to the activities or join them from home they hope you will find something for you and look forward to meeting you.
The High Sherriff will be joining Carers at Shrewsbury Art Gallery and Museum on Friday 9 June for ‘Sounds Great! An introduction to 'music-care'’– see the programme for further details on this and all of the other activities. To book please email shropshire.carers@shropshire.gov.ukor Telephone 01743 341995.
Free and Low Cost Training for Voluntary Sector Organisations Through SIP
The Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership (SIP) hosts a number of free or low-cost (£15pp) training courses for voluntary and community sector organisations in Shropshire.
Click on the links below to check them out and sign up today! Upcoming courses in May and June include:
Shropshire Partners in Care is a not-for-profit organisation supporting over 250 independent adult social care providers across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Established in 2003, they exist to represent, upskill and champion our local adult social care providers and their staff. They offer quality and reasonably priced First Aid training at their offices in Annscroft, Shrewsbury, primarily to Members, but also to non-Members such as schools and community groups. All First Aid Training is nationally accredited by The First Aid Industry Body (FAIB). Safeguarding Adults Awareness training is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in social care, health, housing, charities and other areas of the independent sector.
In June 2023 they have spaces available on the following courses:
Course Title
Course Date
1 Day Emergency First Aid
8th June
Annscroft Office
First Aid at Work (3 Days)
12th June
Annscroft Office
First Aid at Work (3 Days)
13th June
Annscroft Office
Safeguarding Adults - your role as safeguarding lead
14th June
Online - Zoom
First Aid at Work (3 Days)
14th June
Annscroft Office
Dementia Showcase Day
14th June
Shrewsbury Town Football Club
1 Day Emergency First Aid in Ludlow, Market Drayton or Telford
15th June
Spiro Clinic, Ludlow
Should you be interested in booking a place on any of these courses, please contact Non-Member Bookings on 01743 860011 or email info@spic.co.uk.
Adults Up For Change Invited to Youth Conference
South Shropshire Youth Network is a peer network for anyone working with young people aged 8-25 years old – or wanting to work with young people. Each year they organise a youth conference to amplify the local youth voice.
For the second year running, young people are involved in organising the conference from scratch. The aim is for young participants to meet local decision makers, councillors and campaigners in a relaxed atmosphere. So that young people have their say in what happens where they live.
Are you interested in hearing from young people and willing to take some action, however big or small?
Then you’re invited too!
Organisations that want to present themselves can book a space at the conference, but only if it’s not just for an information stall. They have to have a little activity going on, and are expected to join in the workshops and conversations.
For more information & to book your free ticket including lunch via Eventbrite
Any questions or if you know of any young people you’d like to bring? Contact Infrastructure Support Officer Marinke Fontein, on marinke.ssyf@outlook.com and check out the SSYF website.
Working with the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector
The Key to Health and Care across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
Join us at Shrewsbury Town Football Club for a full day conference on Wednesday, 4th October 2023 to find out more about Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin’s dynamic voluntary and community sector, its pioneering work and successes, as well as its future aspirations as a key partner within the Integrated Care System.
Meet colleagues from across sectors, hear latest research on the vital role of preventative healthcare, explore specific infrastructure support topics, and understand how we can unlock potential to support and engage our communities better. Work with us to develop a new strategic chapter that pushes the voluntary sector’s work to new and greater heights.
Who may be interested?
Please come along to learn more and share your views on future partnership working if you work within a voluntary organisation in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, are a leader within the Integrated Care System, including the local authorities and hospital trusts, as well as other organisations involved in community wellbeing.
What will be included?
The day’s agenda will include keynote speakers, a panel discussion, and a choice of workshops.
There will also be a tabletop networking opportunity for organisations in the voluntary sector to raise awareness and promote their organisations to conference delegates.
And, of course, refreshments and lunch for all.
More information to follow in a couple of weeks. Please mark your diaries.
Supported by funding from Shropshire Council
Looking for Local Health-Related Events and Information?
Looking for health-related events and meetings local to your area? The VCSA recommends subscribing to the Community Connectors newsletter for all of the latest local event information, including classes, clubs and social groups that are related to health and wellbeing. You can subscribe by emailing l.woolcock@qube-oca.org.uk
2 groups facilitated per month on 1st and 3rd Friday
Community Resource’s dementia support groups (Care & Share) are a welcoming place to socialise for people with mild to moderate dementia and their family carers. The charity is looking for an enthusiastic person with great communication skills to facilitate and deliver session activities to the Albrighton group.
We are interested in someone who is good with people, organised, and can work on their own initiative. Knowledge of dementia is desirable, but not essential as training will be given. The successful candidate will be required to have an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.
The deadline for applications is Friday 16th June.
PALZ: Branch Secretary Needed
The Shropshire branch of PALZ UK supports people who have held challenging or demanding jobs and who are now living with Alzheimer’s or dementia from other causes. The branch aims to provide a social environment that relates to their previous working environment of peer support and mental challenge by holding a stimulating meeting at the Shropshire Conference Centre (in the grounds of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital) on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at 10am. The meetings aim to increase self-respect and confidence as well as providing mental stimulation.
They are looking for a Secretary to help the Branch Committee to facilitate the smooth running of these stimulating meetings. Could you help with managing the Branch Committee meetings by:
scheduling the committee meetings (6 a year, alternating with the main meetings);
Shropshire Mental Health Support are currently recruiting for the following roles:
Deputy Manager – 37 hours
Office Administrator – 35 hours
Referral Co-ordinator – 35 hours
Outreach Support Workers – 2 x 30 hr posts
Sanctuary Support Workers – Various hours, night and late shifts
If you would like to join an award-winning charity and work in a fantastic team please call Heather on 01743 368647 for further details or email - manager@shropshiremhs.com
Ludlow Concert Band Seeking Members
Do you play a woodwind or brass musical instrument? Do you enjoy playing with a group of musicians?
If so, the Ludlow Concert Band would be very pleased to hear from you. They are a Concert Wind Band who meet weekly on Thursday evenings in Ludlow and perform occasional concerts in South Shropshire and North Herefordshire. Their repertoire is very varied ranging from classical music to film and musical numbers.
There are no auditions and no membership fees – just arrange to come along to a rehearsal and see how you get on! They are particularly keen to hear from Bass, Euphonium, Bassoon and Trombone players but all instruments are welcome! Please visit their website to make contact.
Trustee Needed: The 4 All Foundation
The 4 All Foundation are looking for a Treasurer to lead on the financial governance, working with the Chair to deliver the charity objectives and strategy.
The Trustee Board meets quarterly, either online or face to face. The board works closely with the Senior Management Team. 4 All Foundation is a charitable organisation delivering local and accessible opportunities throughout our communities in Shropshire.
The Foundation's vision is to help our communities develop and achieve through foundation programmes. Through the power of their community programmes, the 4 All Foundation provides practical and educational opportunities that aims to motivate and inspire individuals within our communities.
The foundation is specifically seeking someone who can take on a Treasurer role, reviewing financial and budget information as provided by the Senior Management Team
This role is subject to a satisfactory enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references. For further information, please email info@4allfoundation.co.uk
Do you have a job or volunteer opportunity you would like us to promote? Please send your information to VCSAssembly@shropshire.gov.uk and we will include it in our next newsletter!
Hilden Charitable Fund Now Accepting UK Applications
Non-profit groups can now apply to the next grants round from Hilden Charitable Fund which aims to address disadvantage, notably by supporting causes which are unlikely to raise funds from public subscriptions.
The following groups may apply for funding:
Registered charities.
Charitable companies.
Community Interest Companies.
Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs).
Excepted charities.
Applicants should have an average income of less than £250,000 over the past three years, as the funders would prefer to support smaller organisations.
Unrestricted grants of core or project funding are available. However, to be eligible for unrestricted funding all of an organisation's work must meet the Fund's criteria
Activities must fall into one of two programme areas:
Asylum seekers - for organisations working to provide essential services which help meet the needs of asylum seekers and refugees and support their integration into the wider community.
Penal Affairs – for work "through the door" where organisations go into prisons with projects and support to help prisoners (especially women) cope and/or maintain family bonds and to be better able to resettle positively when released.
Grants will usually be in the range of £5,000 to £7,000 per year for up to two years.
On the weekend of Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 September 2023, the Mayor’s Community Weekend returns to the West Midlands for the first time since the pandemic. This is a chance for groups to come together to celebrate the strength and diversity of communities across the West Midlands.
Working with the Mayor of the West Midlands, The National Lottery Community Fund is offering grants of up to £2,000 to groups who want to run events or activities on this weekend. £150,000 of National Lottery funding is being made available for events and activities that bring communities together to strengthen existing connections and give them opportunities to make new ones. These events and activities could be anything from community gatherings such as picnics and celebrations, litter picks, volunteering, through to sports and cultural events.
Community groups from all areas of the West Midlands can apply which includes groups from Worcestershire, Shropshire and Herefordshire. In the past, they have seen little interest from these counties but this is a great opportunity to access funding so do please promote it where you can.
Pilgrim Trust’s Young Women’s Mental Health Grant Programme:
Deadline to Book Conversation Changed to 16 June
The Pilgrim Trust’s five-year, £5 million Young Women’s Mental Health Grant Programme is open to applications from UK registered charities with an annual income of between £100,000 and £1 million, have been operating for at least three years and whose work or project is located in the North East or North West of England, Yorkshire and Humber or Northern Ireland.
The grants are for organisations that increase young women’s access to high quality, age and gender specific mental health services.
Grants of £60,000 to £90,000 spread across three years are available to support project delivery costs and core costs (eg, salaries or general running costs). It is expected that between 10 to 12 projects will be supported.
To apply for funding, charities must first book a telephone conversation with the Trust’s Grants Manager to discuss their potential application. An application form will only be sent after this conversation has taken place.
The ‘book a conversation’ form will only be available now until 16 June 2023. Applications cannot be made without having this conversation.
Groups have less than a week left to apply for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Youth Investment Fund (YIF) Phase 2, which is closing due to the volume of applications received.
Phase 2 is intended to deliver up to 300 youth facilities that:
Represent positive value for money.
Are environmentally sustainable.
Enable positive activities for young people.
Grants over £150,000 will be awarded.
The lead organisation, responsible for managing the grant, must be one of the following:
Local authority.
Registered or exempt charity.
Community Interest Company.
Community Benefit Society.
Uniformed Group.
Sports club.
The building must be in an area identified as high priority based on a combination of youth need and low provision. An eligibility checker can be found on the Social Investment Business website.
Applicants must be working with children and young people, where the majority are aged 11 to 19 years. Where young people have a special educational need, funding may be granted up to the age of 25 years.
Projects should be focused on the delivery of new and renewed youth facilities within a short timescale.
Though the Main Grants programme is set to close, YIF offers a smaller programme of Refurbishment Grants to help youth services reach more young people and ensure youth services are there for future generations. Grants of up to £150,000 are available through this fund, with the next application window opening at the end of May 2023.
Any grants awarded by the YIF must be spent and accounted for by 31st March 2025.
The deadline for Main Grants is midnight on 1 June 2023. For more information and to apply, visit the Youth Investment Fund website.
NLHF and AHF Launch £5m Fund to Revive Unused Historic Buildings in the UK
The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF), working in partnership, have launched the new three-year £5 million UK Heritage Development Trusts Programme.
The programme aims to create a UK-wide network of financially resilient organisations that revive unused buildings and support regeneration in some of the country’s most deprived places and communities.
The programme will provide funding and capacity building support to between 10 and 13 Heritage Development Trusts operating in locations of need and potential across the UK, who will join the existing group of 7 Heritage Development Trusts in England supported as part of a pilot initiative between 2020-23.
There is a total budget of £5 million. It is anticipated that between 10 and 13 organisations will be supported.
The type of support will vary depending on the stage of development of each Trust and its individual needs but, in summary:
Revenue funding of between £55,000 and £70,000 per year, for three years, from January 2024.
Access to support from consultant Project Advisers specialising in areas such as governance, social impact measurement, community engagement, fundraising and social investment, business planning, environmental sustainability and green energy solutions.
Eligible to apply for Project Viability Grants (up to £15,000 per project) and Project Development Grants (up to £75,000) to develop projects involving the rescue and reuse of historic buildings.
Membership of a UK-wide peer-to-peer learning network of Heritage Development Trusts.
Mentoring from another Heritage Development Trust.
The funding is to be used for revenue costs to support the objective of the completion of at least one historic building regeneration project with a clear action plan for acquiring more heritage assets to add to the applicant organisation’s portfolio.
Charities and social enterprises (with different legal structures) from across the UK can apply, from those just getting started to mature organisations looking to adopt a new approach. Applications will also be accepted from two or more organisations working in partnership.
There is only one round of applications for this funding. There is a two-stage application process.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 26 June 2023 (9am). Visit the AHF website for more information and to submit an EOI.
Applications Accepted for UK-wide Energy Learning Network Grant
As part of its £10 million Energy and Climate Fund, the National Lottery Community Fund is offering £1.5 million to one UK partnership in order to develop an Energy Learning Network.
It is expected that the successful partnership will provide support inboth energy:
Efficiency: supporting communities to deliver successful energy efficiency projects, including encouraging the adoption of sustainable behaviours related to energy use.
Generation: supporting communities to deliver successful energy generation projects, exploring areas such as regulation, access to finance, and new business models
Funding will cover a period of three to five years.
The objectives of the network are to:
Develop trusted relationships and active collaborations between community-driven energy projects and key stakeholders from research, policy and practice across the UK.
Build skills and capacity of communities to deliver community-driven impactful climate action projects focusing on energy.
Share knowledge, learning and resources across projects to achieve long term change.
Interested partnerships are required to contact National Lottery Community Fund in advance before submitting an application for Energy Learning Network funding.
There will be a virtual information sessions on 20 June, 12:00 – 12:45. Register here.
The deadline to apply is 28 July 2023. For guidance, information and application details, visit the National Lottery Climate Action Fund page.
Don't forget to check out the VCSA's latest funding roundup, which is now available to view on our website, or you can click here to download a copy now.
Don't forget to check out our listof grants with rolling deadlines as well!
Don't see something on this list that should be here? Please contact us and let us know.