Many changes have taken place to the way education was delivered as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions. During lockdown online platforms such as Zoom and Teams become the ‘New Normal’ for the delivery of learning.
In September 2020 the majority of students returned to their post 16 educational setting, social distancing, set seating plans, staggered timetables and bubbles being in place. Students have also faced many personal challenges.
We asked post 16 colleges students to share their experiences. Despite the challenges, it’s inspiring to read how quickly students have adapted to changing ways of working whether they were returning or starting college for the first time.
A M 2nd year student
Lockdown was hard because my brother died in lockdown, but it was nice that college sent me work and people rang from college to see if I was ok and my mum. I didn't like being at home because it was boring and sad, and I wanted to see my mates.
I talked to my teacher, college mentor and my LSA. My LSA emailed me and I did all my work. I liked doing work at home but it's best in college. In lockdown I just wanted to be in college, but I did read my history books and did my work.
C S 2nd year student
I was fed up in lockdown but did like contact with college and work they give me. My LSA rang me every week to see if I was ok and help me but it's not like being in college where I have my friends and someone to talk to. I got very tired and slept a lot but it's good to be back. I didn't like lockdown. I did come in at times because mum is a carer and that helped me but there was only a few in college and they weren't my friends.
H R 3rd year Student
I was bored in lockdown because there was nothing much to do but it was good having some work from college and my LSA ringing me. I liked to speak to staff from college and playing on my PlayStation because I felt I was in college when I talked to you. Being off college made me realize how much I like it because being at home made my legs hurt, I wasn't walking around and at college I do. I did miss my friends, but it was ok. I like coming to college and want to do art next year.
T D 2nd year student
Lockdown was hard because I only had a few bits to finish for the year I love doing my work, so I was up to date and had done extra. It was nice to talk to the staff who contacted me and to do the extra work online, but I got very board. It was ok though. College spoke to me every week and that was good because I knew another week had gone by. When I was stuck with things there was always a teacher to talk to or contact to help so that was good.
I am glad to be back in college I work best in college.
Maisy 1st year
I really like college, I'm very happy here. My favourite session is art but in HH (Hospitality and Housekeeping) I like the bakery best. College is just as good as I thought it would be.
‘We have to wear gloves at times, social distance, wash hands regularly and sanitise. We keep to our bubble in college, which is fine too.’
Throughout lockdown I continue to attend college; in which I was supported academically and emotionally.
There was a great team of support staff/ other members of staff which helped me throughout; and I was very grateful for.