Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership NEWSLETTER, June 2016

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News from the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership, June 2016

Progress towards a new AONB structure

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In late April, agreement in principle was reached between the AONB Partnership and Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council to develop a new independent structure for the Shropshire Hills AONB.  In the ongoing climate of local government restructuring and service cuts, it is felt that this option gives the best prospects of stability and sustainability for a staff team in the Shropshire Hills dedicated to AONB purposes.  A ‘Shadow Board’ is now being set up to involve volunteers and representatives in a more hands on role to help develop the new organisation.  The preferred model is a ‘Conservation Board’, a structure specific to AONBs set out in the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000.  Informal discussions have begun with Defra on this, but there remains much detailed work to do over a transition period of up to two years, with some formal decision stages along the way.  We look forward to bringing you more news on this as things develop.  For further information please contact Phil Holden on 01743 254741 or at