Welcome to your update on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Sheffield. For parents, carers, professionals, and everyone interested in SEND.
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Join the Sheffield SEND Facebook Group
Get updates and be involved in all things special educational needs and disabilities from the 0-25 SEND Service in Sheffield City Council.
We encourage you to join today! The page is for anyone with an interest in SEND – from young people and parents through to those who work in SEND.
Improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND
A new, exciting programme of work is about to begin in Sheffield. The aim is to help improve the lives of children and young people with SEND.
Braille Lego Bricks
LEGO have launched their first line of braille LEGO bricks to buy online.
Joanne Hogg, who works for the Vision Support Service in the Tapton Integrated Resource, is the UK Ambassador for LEGO Braille:
“I became Ambassador after being invited by the LEGO Foundation to attend Learning through Play training at their Denmark headquarters in January. Since then I post regular blogs about teaching strategies, have delivered at a national conference and have recently helped them find suitable children and families for their promotional photo shoot”.
One of our Sheffield students, Reece, was picked to appear in the commercial and appears half way through. Watch the video below.
Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) – Update
In Sheffield we have been running a 12 month Accelerated Progress Plan.
This aimed to achieve meaningful improvements felt by children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families, when entering into, and moving through, education, health and care transitions.
DWP Disability Services Advocacy Team - helpful sessions on disability benefits and grants
There are sessions available from the Disability Services Advocacy Team to raise awareness of the different Disability Services benefits and grants. These are for:
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- Industrial Injuries Disablement benefit (IIDB).
SENDing Voices
Are you, or do you know, a Sheffield young resident with SEND?
Are you, or they, 13 to 24 years old?
Want to help make things better for you/them and others?
Then join the SENDing Voices group!
For Young People not in education, employment or Training
If you or your young person are aged 16-18 (up to 19 if you/they have an Education, Health and Care Plan) and aren't in:
- employment
- education, or
- training
Then you/they can get support from the Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Team in Community Youth Services.
Sheffield City Council Driver Vacancies
We have an exciting opportunity to become a driver for Sheffield City Council. You will be part of a friendly team who provide an excellent standard of service and really make a difference to the lives of children with special education needs.
Latest from the Sheffield Parent Carer Forum
Sheffield Children’s Foundation Trust Information Resource Library
Sheffield Children’s Information Resource Library has lots of health information for you to look at and read. There is advice on autism, speech and language, epilepsy, hearing and sleep to name but a few.
Check it out by clicking on the below button.
Parents information sessions
Sheffield SENDIAS (Sheffield SEND Information and Advice Service) offer free online information sessions. These are for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with SEND. The sessions answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
There are 3 sessions available, which run in both the daytime and evenings:
- Book What is an EHC Needs Assessment
- Book SEN Support in Schools
- Book Checking a Draft EHC Plan
Useful links
Parenting support
Sheffield’s Family Hubs runs seminars, discussion groups and programmes to give parents practical help and advice. Some have been specifically developed for families of children and young people with SEND.
Learn Sheffield. Information and guidance for SENCOs in Sheffield.
Local Offer. Information about support and services for children and young people with SEND.
Sheffield Parent Carer Forum. A parent-led charity that provides support, shares information and influences policy and practice.
SSENDIAS. Impartial, confidential information, advice and support to families.
Sheffield Children’s Hospital – patients and parents information.