It's been a cold and icy week and our teams have been working around the clock, in challenging conditions, to help keep Sheffield moving.
With further sleet & snow showers forecast this weekend, our gritters will be back out on the road network, covering priority routes.
Although it's forecast to get warmer next week, it's always worth checking the latest forecast before you travel and allowing extra time for your journey.
A Streets Ahead worker fills a grit bin
There are 2,200 grit bins in Sheffield that our teams refill throughout the winter period. If your local grit bin needs refilling, you can report it using our website, or tweet us with the location.
When snow or icy roads are forecast you should be prepared to make adjustments to your journey and take extra care.
The Met Office has some helpful tips if you need to travel in wintry weather, including preparing a winter kit for your car, clearing your driveway and choosing suitable clothing before you head out.
An example of traffic camera images in Sheffield, available to the public
Sheffield residents can monitor traffic and weather conditions across the city by viewing traffic camera images.
During winter weather people can assess traffic levels and the latest conditions before heading out on their journey.
Accessing the camera feeds will make it easier for drivers and pedestrians to plan their routes, identify which areas are impacted by severe weather and avoid congested areas.