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Latest Sheffield news
Sheffield City Council sent this bulletin at 01-10-2022 07:30 AM BST
Council representatives including Cllr Mazher Iqbal, were lucky enough to get a sneak peek inside the Radisson Blu Hotel development yesterday. The 154-room hotel will be a must-visit spot, including an impressive rooftop bar and terrace.
Travel South Yorkshire today announced that First Group South Yorkshire will no longer provide a number of bus services across the county because they are no longer profitable enough to run.
At last week's Transport, Regeneration and Climate Change Committee, members agreed a bumper crop of transport decisions that aim to make Sheffield’s streets safer, more sustainable and healthier for all.
Whether you’re a teacher, parent, child, or cycle instructor, you can make a pledge for Cycle to School Week. You have until Friday 7 October to make one of the four following pledges: cycle to school every day, swap one car journey for cycling, cycle with your family, or discover somewhere new on a cycle ride. Make your pledge, find free resources, and see which prizes can be won on the Bikeability website.
Are you looking after someone else’s child? Or is someone looking after your child? If a child is looked after by someone other than a close relative for 28 days, we need to know so we can support everyone involved. To register a private fostering arrangement, please call us on 0114 273 6489 or email ConnectedPersons@sheffield.gov.uk.
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