Dear Readers….
Hello and a warm welcome to the first edition of the Sheffield SENDIAS Newsletter!
This term saw the return for children to school for the start of a new academic year. Here at SSENDIAS we have been in demand, providing free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities on education and related health and social care matters.
There have been many changes for children over the last year, having a different learning experience due to the pandemic. To keep school a safe environment, staff and secondary age children are asked to do lateral flow tests to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This has meant some children are having to miss school at times. Also staff absences have changed the school day for some pupils. We have had the privilege of talking to and supporting families through this time and are continuing to do so. There have been delays in assessments, worry and anxiety, missed exams and missed learning. We would like to share in the newsletter some exciting things in Sheffield leading up to Christmas that will be fun experiences for families.
We will be sending out a newsletter every term to keep you up to date with everything SSENDIAS, including training, things to get involved with in your local area and more.
We can be reached through:
Telephone 0114 2736009, email, website, Facebook and Instagram.
What’s new in SSENDIAS
Over the past year SSENDIAS has taken the opportunity to make some changes to the service.
- We now have our own website that has lots of useful information to help families navigate through the SEND processes and SEND laws.
- We have some webinars on there and will continue adding to them next year- Who and What is SSENDIAS & SEN Support in Schools.
- In the spring term we are introducing weekly information sessions on frequently asked questions, for parents, carers and young people. The sessions will include SEN Support in Schools and how to apply for Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, and looking through draft EHC plans. Keep an eye out on our website and social media for information on how to book these sessions in the new year.
- We have seen an increase in our Facebook followers, and we are now on Instagram. Click on the links and like our page to follow us.
What's Going on?
New school for 2022…. A new special school will open on the Norfolk Park estate in Sheffield in September 2022. Discovery Academy will be run by the Nexus Multi-Academy Trust. For more details please visit their website.
Key Dates for your diary... Is your child moving between phases in their education? From nursery into reception, infants into junior school, junior/ primary into secondary and has an EHC Plan? If yes, then you will receive your final amended EHC Plan naming your child’s new school by 15th February 2022
Covid-19... As some Covid-19 restrictions are reintroduced take a look at what the new temporary COVID-19 measures mean for early year settings, out-of-school settings, schools, colleges and universities
Autism Hope support group
We are a parent led support group providing support, friendship and understanding to all parents and caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
We meet weekly in person and on zoom and have regular guest speakers to give information on all support available in Sheffield.
For more details email autismhopesheffield@gmail.com or join our Facebook group Autism Hope Sheffield