Watering trees, latest updates & thank you

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streets ahead update - amey working with sheffield city council

Residents encouraged to water young trees


With another warm weekend coming up, residents across Sheffield are being encouraged to help water young street trees during this period of dry weather.

So far this year, Streets Ahead has used over 55,000 litres of water to help thirsty street trees thrive as part of the city's highway maintenance programme.

And whilst people can help young trees flourish by giving them extra water, it’s important that social distancing guidelines are adhered to at all times.

Why not choose a street tree to water this summer and monitor its growth?

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street cleaning

Our programme of works

Due to Covid 19, in recent weeks, we have continued to focus on maintaining an essential service, prioritising emergency and safety critical jobs.

These jobs have included street cleaning, repairing potholes, refreshing lining to prevent road traffic accidents, maintaining traffic signals and sight lines at road junctions, and emergency tree work to keep the highways safe and in good repair.

Whilst our programmed resurfacing work is currently on hold, Amey are liaising with all subcontractors to prepare for the possibility of some works resuming in coming weeks.

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thank you

Thank You!

In recent weeks, our operatives have been blown away by the kindness shown towards them across communities in Sheffield.

With many Streets Ahead workers still carrying out essential jobs on the city's roads, messages of support have been a welcome gesture.

Here's a lovely note left for our Ecclesfield street cleansing team recently.

Thank you for your support Sheffield!