Image courtesy of the UKHSA
With warm weather forecast to develop more widely from early next week, the UK’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is encouraging those who struggle to cope in the heat to take precautions.
At this time of year most of us look forward to some warm, sunny weather and the chance to spend time outdoors and by taking a few simple steps, we can all enjoy the hot weather safely and help people who might be more vulnerable as the temperatures rise.
Last week was Infant Mental Health Awareness Week with the theme for 2024 being ‘Speak up for Babies’. Infant mental health is an often overlooked and misunderstood subject; the world around them is key to their mental health and wellbeing. Support in the first 2 years is arguably more influential than at any other time, because the infant’s brain is developing so rapidly.
To continue support for the campaign, Somerset Council’s Public Health Nursing Team is asking parents and guardians to fill in a brief survey on behalf of their infant(s) before 12 July 2024, to help make Somerset a healthy place both physically and mentally, for infants to live.
The information gathered will help the team to get a better picture of infant provision across the county and help to encourage service providers to think about whether their services are inclusive of infants.
HotSW TS YouTube video: Stay safe on your e-bike or e-scooter
Trading Standards is advising consumers and businesses to ensure that e-scooters and Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (e-bikes) are safe and compliant with the correct safety regulations before they are purchased, sold or hired out.
The warning follows a market surveillance operation on electronic vehicle safety by the Heart of the South West Trading Standards Service and a recent safety message by the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) which highlights the steps people should take when owning or thinking of buying an e-bike or scooter.
Nationally there have been well-publicised incidents where electric vehicles have caught fire in peoples’ homes.