Through investment from the Council's Towns and Villages Fund, proposals have been put forward to improve the area surrounding the shops on Main Street in Catcliffe.
The Towns and Villages Fund is a £4 million commitment from Rotherham Council to improve our local town and village centres.
Ward Councillor Firas Miro was on-site on Saturday 18 February to consult with local business and residents around what people would like to see in the area.
Councillor Miro was joined by the Council's Neighbourhoods and Towns and Villages teams, Catcliffe Parish Council, Catcliffe Cone Community Group, as well as local residents.
Maps and questionnaires were available on the day for people to view, share comments and chat about their ideas.
If you would like to find out more, or would like to share your ideas, please visit the Rotherham Council website.
Ward councillors Amy Brookes and Firas Miro used some of their Community Leadership Fund to provide a community skip for local residents to use.
This event supports two of the Rother Vale Ward priorities:
- Support and contribute to a clean and green environment
- Support and develop community safety
The skip was located on Stephenson Way and was available for residents to use free of charge.
Alongside the skip, Councillors held a community safety stall and gave away free community safety items.
In addition to this, Waverley Community Council joined us on the day and hosted a community litter pick.
Despite the cold and foggy January weather, the skip was well-used.
A large number of volunteers took part in the litter pick, with several bags of rubbish collected on the day. This work is really important and helps to keep our local area clean and tidy.
Treeton Community Centre set up a litter picking group several years ago, which has gone from strength to strength.
Local people take part in monthly litter picks.
Initially, the group received ward funding to purchase litter picking equipment and storage cupboards to get up and running.
Since then, the group's numbers have grown every month. Treeton Parish Council have provided funding for additional equipment to support the group further.
The group meet at Treeton Community Centre on the first Saturday of every month at 10am. After picking up litter for a few hours, they all meet back for a well-deserved cuppa and a bacon butty!
The Council's Street Scene team support the group by providing bin bags and collect the rubbish once the group have finished.
Anyone interested in getting involved can call down to the centre on the day, or call Terry Adair on 07886 520586.
Did you see something strange in your neighbourhood earlier this month?
A giant inflatable light bulb along with two disco moths toured the streets, playing music as they went.
The moths started at Highfield View and then walked through the surrounding streets knocking on windows and doors, spreading light and laughter to local families.
Flux Rotherham have recently secured funding to carry out arts-based activities in Catcliffe.
Moths at Work was the first activity as part of this.
Flux are in the process of commissioning several artists and performances that will take place over the coming months.
They have been working with ward councillors, Catcliffe Parish Council and local groups to discus ideas and select artists.
More exciting events are planned, including circus workshops, storytellers, food stalls, family craft sessions and other activities.
We will keep you posted on what's happening next, so please do keep a look out and join in the fun!