Latest news about the Town Centre Masterplan

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Rotherham CouncilTransforming Rotherham

Plans in the pipeline to change the look of High Street

High Street

Exciting new plans have been drawn up to change the look of Rotherham High Street with the demolition of the former Primark building.

The Council has purchased the site using funding from the Towns Fund Accelerator programme and plans could see the building demolished and replaced, in the short term, with a pocket park and a high-quality public space.

Subject to necessary planning consents, longer term plans include developing the site for new high quality residential.

Find out more here.

Online Public Information Event this week

Frederick Street

Residents and businesses are invited to view and comment on plans to transform the look of Frederick Street via an online information event this week.

The open spaces on Frederick Street will be redeveloped as part of the Town Centre Masterplan and follow on from the works currently underway on Bridgegate.

The improvement works will include the introduction of a cycle lane as well as new paving, lighting and street furniture. Works are due to commence early 2021.

You can view and comment on the plans online here by 12pm on Sunday 22nd November. 

Demolition of Riverside Precinct to be considered

Forge Island

Rotherham Council is set to consider plans to demolish Riverside Precinct to enable the transformation of the former Forge Island site.

The works are seen as a key stage in preparing the site for the leisure development and would see the demolition of the existing Riverside Precinct and 8-18 Corporation Street, to open up Forge Island to the rest of the town centre.

Find out more here.