February 2023
Dear parent or carer,
I wanted to update you on the latest developments around future capacity at Dargavel Primary School, and on the work the council is undertaking to deliver a solution to that.
Update on roll projections
As you know, last year we estimated the scale of potential housebuilding in the Dargavel area could eventually see the primary school roll reach around 1,100 pupils, considerably more than the current school was built for.
The council commissioned a data analytics company called Edge Analytics to carry out an additional roll projection exercise to support our future planning for Dargavel. Their report is now complete, and can be summarised as follows:
When applying specialist modelling used for other large-scale new housing developments across the UK, Edge Analytics calculated the number of primary pupils could peak at 1,131 by 2033. This is broadly in line with the projections we shared last year.
Their initial model projected a primary one (P1) intake for August 2023 of 110. However, we were then aware from live data that registrations would be higher than their model expected. As a result of this, we asked Edge Analytics to develop additional scenarios. Their additional modelling showed if this year's demand continued in the long-term, the number of primary pupils could potentially reach up to 1,500 by 2033.
It is important to note, this figure is a potential maximum only, based on several assumptions which may not happen. It is based on one year of live data we have since the school opened and is not consistent with the tried-and-tested modelling used by Edge across the UK. However, we will continue to regularly track and monitor live data on pupil demand to establish if a trend emerges.
The long-term solution
In light of this information, we can now confirm we intend to recommend building another primary school within Dargavel.
Members of the Council's Education and Children's Services Policy Board will be asked to give approval for us to progress work on a new school at their next meeting on 9 March.
The new school will require capacity for around 700 pupils. As part of our long-term planning, we will develop further options to give us the flexibility to increase primary school capacity in the wider area, should it look likely to be needed.
We are already in discussions with the landowner BAE Systems over securing land within the Dargavel development for a new school and will continue that as a priority.
We estimate the project to design and build a new school will take around 36 to 42 months, from start to finish. We will provide a firmer timeline for this once the site of the new school is agreed.
Meeting capacity from 2023 onwards
We are installing six new modular classrooms at the existing Dargavel Primary over the summer. This will create enough capacity for all pupils registered for the 2023-24 school year.
Our planning for the August 2024 intake is ongoing and we will confirm these arrangements with parents whose children are due to start school in 2024 in due course.
Park Mains High School continues to operate well, with modular classrooms due to be installed to provide additional flexibility for the school. The Edge Analytics report will help us with our ongoing work to plan how we further expand secondary school provision over the long term, as the Dargavel development continues to grow.
Parent engagement
Since my last update in November, the council has hosted two public meetings - one for current parents and another for those whose children are due to start P1 this year.
My thanks go to everyone who came along—your continued feedback will be crucial to us getting things right for current and future Dargavel pupils.
We are having regular and constructive discussions with Dargavel Primary Parent Council and we will continue to engage with them as work progresses.
We will also continue to keep you updated as our plans move forward. If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact us at: dargavelcs@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Kind regards
Steven Quinn
Director of Children's Services, Renfrewshire Council