Business Support Grants
The Government has announced several schemes to support businesses that have been affected by local COVID-19 restrictions levels. These schemes including the Additional Restriction Grant are now open for applications.
For more information on eligibility criteria and how to apply please use the relevant link to be directed to the application form:
Local Restriction Support Grants ( For open and close businesses) - Apply
Christmas Support Payment (for wet-led pubs) - Apply
Additional Restriction Grant (ARG) (a discretionary scheme for businesses unable to claim alternative grants) - Apply
Find more information on our website
 We're asking everyone in Redbridge to please consider if your behaviour is putting your family at risk of catching COVID-19. We must all stay home, protect the NHS, and save lives. Remember: Hands, Face, Space. Please, follow the rules and stop the spread.
To reduce social contact the regulations, require some businesses to close and impose restrictions on how some businesses provide goods and services. The full list of businesses required to close can be found in the guidance on closing certain businesses and venues in England. A full list of businesses and further guidance is available online.
 Redbridge Council will be finalising its budget for 2021/22 at the Full Council Meeting scheduled on 25th February 2021. A full overview of the budget proposals can be found within the Cabinet papers for December Cabinet here
The budget proposals have been discussed and debated in a number of ways including public engagement sessions in September 2020 and planned sessions in January 2021, an online survey, Council Scrutiny meetings held in December and February and targeted sessions with the Voluntary and Community Sector.
Redbridge Council would like to ensure that the voices of local businesses are represented and considered at the Full Council meeting in February which you are also able to attend.
Book a place here
Redbridge Chamber of Commerce is hosting a session in early February. This is a chance for local businesses to discuss the proposals with Senior Councillors and Officers from the Council. The session will run from 9.30 – 10.30 am and include a 10-15-minute presentation followed by an opportunity for comments and Q&A.
Please join the meeting through the zoom link below:
Thursday 4 February 2021
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 4268 1549 Passcode: 384299
Cultural Recovery Grant
You can apply for this fund if you are a cultural organization (both profit and not for profit) based in England or can demonstrate that the majority of your work takes place in England, you may be eligible for this fund.
Apply via Arts Council England by 26 January 2021.
The job retention scheme has been extended until the end of April 2021. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can claim to cover wages for employees on temporary leave ('furlough') due to coronavirus COVID-19.
Peer Networks is a national peer-to-peer networking programme for SME leaders that want to grow and develop their organisation for future success. Our programme kicked off in January and we still have places available if you want to join our group.
Our first cohort is available to businesses within the Care Sector, Early Year and Nursery businesses that meet the qualifying criteria.
For more information and how to register please complete our online form