Early Years Bulletin

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Early years bulletin

10 February 2025


Promoting cultural capital and community engagement in early years settings

Building cultural capital helps children develop the knowledge, experiences, confidence and communication skills that will prepare them for their future success. It is seen as a way to help
children achieve goals, become successful in society, and rise up the social ladder (social mobility). The bottom line is, it is about giving children the best possible start to their early education.

Read more about promoting cultural capital with 50 things

Read the blog post from Bradford Birth to 19

This half term, why not try...


#17 Hocus Pocus Potions

Fancy making some super-power potion, some magic medicine or a spell or two? Take a look at some science mixed in with lots of fun, but be careful… it could get messy!


#27 Little People Park Keeper

Adventures in the park. Happy hearts and happy faces. Happy play in grassy places. Time to get the children out for some real life fun and enjoy the open spaces of your local park.


#48 Natural Art

Explore and examine, forage and find fantastic treasures! You can use your imagination to create whatever you fancy… scary mud monsters, twig towers or decorations.

View the 50 things to do before you're five website or app for the full activities and so many more.

Visit the website


A high-quality and sufficient early years workforce is fundamental to the Government’s commitment to ensuring that every child has the best start in life. On 28 January, the DfE announced three qualification initiatives that will make it easier for early years settings to recruit and train staff, and that will support employers in ensuring they have the right staff to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements and deliver high-quality early years provision.  

Read more


Do you know of any early years educators who go above and beyond? 

The Do Something Big campaign team is looking for individuals of all ages, life experience and backgrounds to take part in filming and/or media opportunities to showcase that anyone, from any walk of life, can work in the early years sector and bring something unique and valuable to the role. 

  • Young people in the workforce: showcasing why they have chosen early years and how they enjoy shaping the next generation of children.  
  • Returners to the workplace after a break: parents or carers re-entering the workforce or those transitioning back after an extended career pause.
  • Career changers: professionals from other industries who have moved jobs and found a passion in early years care and education.
  • SEND specialists: staff working with children with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Have interesting backstories: any other interesting stories of the amazing staff you have e.g. those who overcame challenges to join the sector.
  • People who bring unique skills to their roles: such as musicians who lead singing or music sessions. 

If you have any staff you think would be keen to get involved, please contact earlyyears.careers@education.gov.uk.

Visit the campaign website


The Do Something Big campaign team is delighted to share the second episode of their new four-part series with Channel 4. In this episode, Ryan dives into the world of early years education to see if this could be the fresh, fun start he’s been craving. Will it be his new creative calling? Life Coach, Anna Williamson, finds out.

Watch the episode


What costs as little as £1 but could save a small child’s life?

In just 15 seconds a young child can lose consciousness if they get tangled in a blind cord. They can stop breathing in 2-3 minutes. Yet something as simple as a £1 cleat hook and some strong adhesive can help to stop that happening. Please take a moment to check that any blind cords have suitable safety devices.

Learn more

FREE Product safety webinars

Product safety expert Geraldine Cosh is running 15 free product safety webinars in February and March.

Find out more and sign up

Fire safety tips for e-bikes, e-scooters and hoverboards

E-bikes, e-scooters and hoverboards are becoming increasingly popular. But the lithium-ion batteries they’re powered by can start fires that spread quickly and are difficult to extinguish. Fortunately, there are several ways you can reduce the risk of fire.

Discover how


Thinking about babies is a free webinar and guidance for early years leaders. Presented by Dr Caroline Guard, this webinar and guidance considers the significance of relationships for babies and young children's development and explores ways to create baby rooms which reflect babies needs.

View the webinar

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