On behalf of the Early Years team at Portsmouth City Council, we would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Thank you - as always - for all you do for the children and families across Portsmouth. We really appreciate you.
 We would like to remind you of the application deadlines as we approach the final few months of the childminder start-up grant scheme.
As you will be aware, new childminders who wish to apply for the grant will need to finalise their Ofsted or CMA registration by 31 March 2025.
In some circumstances childminder registration may be delayed due to registration checks (for example, GP health checks) taking longer than expected. For this reason, an applicant who submits their registration to Ofsted or a CMA by 3 January 2025 will still be eligible to apply for the grant if completion of their registration is delayed beyond 31 March 2025 for reasons relating to the completion of registration checks. In these cases, it is required for Ofsted or CMAs to confirm that a registration has been delayed for these reasons.
 50 things was recently in the Portsmouth Flagship magazine so more of your parents will have seen what the 50 things to do before you're five app and website have to offer.
We have selected some of the 50 for you to promote to your families ahead of the Christmas break.
Please do link to your social media and when talking to your families and wishing them a Merry Christmas, be sure to remind them to take part in some of the activities.
Keep an eye on our Family Information Service social media and feel free to share our 50 things posts.
It would be great if you could like and share this post ahead of Christmas.
Social media assets
 Take a look at the Early Years training and events which are available to book for the Spring 2025 term. Please click on the buttons below for the full details and to book your place(s) on any that are relevant to your setting if you haven't already done so.
The Early Years and Portage - Practical SEN Strategies training sessions are available as part of our Inclusion package or to buy separately.
The Overview of Ofsted Judgements training sessions are available as part of our Ofsted package or to buy separately (not suitable for Year R).
Please head to the Store section on the Portsmouth Traded Services website to see what else these packages include or contact us for more information.
Please contact us by email at eyworkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you have any questions or any specific training requirements. We can deliver most training virtually via Teams or face-to-face onsite at your setting.

A Christmas Wish is a festive elf trail which takes visitors around 12 themed installations with a special activity booklet – and admission is free.
Take a leisurely stroll around an authentically restored Victorian fort and soak up the festive atmosphere. The Fort will be beautifully decorated with trees and wreaths, with delightful surprises around every corner.
Younger visitors can train to be an elf and get hands-on with games and workshop tasks - sorting presents, preparing reindeer food, plus lots of other magical activities. A special free trail, full of puzzles and poems will keep everyone entertained on the trail.
Visitors are asked to book online in advance as capacity limits are in place. The event runs until Sunday 5 January 2025.