Early Years Bulletin

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Early years bulletin

14 November 2024


Ofsted has updated their poster for parents. They have updated the phone number that parents can call if they have a concern or complaint to 0300 123 466. 

Please display this poster in an area that is visible to your parents and carers.

View the poster


Has your hot water bottle expired?

Did you know rubber deteriorates over time and old hot water bottles can break and cause serious burns? Or that using boiling water, overfilling your bottle and even storing it incorrectly can damage your hot water bottle and increase the risk of burns? Child Accident Prevention Trust are urging you to check your hot water bottle for signs of wear and tear and always follow the instructions.

Find out more

Buyers beware: dangerous toys sold online

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Online shopping can make life easier, especially at this time of year. But, some cheap toys from online marketplaces can be deadly. In fact, a recent investigation by the British Toy and Hobby Association found that 85% of toys bought from third-party sellers on online marketplaces could be dangerous to children. Discover how to spot dodgy dealers or safe sellers at the button below.

Shop safely this Christmas

Be bright, be seen

Now the clocks have gone back, journeys to childcare settings can start and end in twilight. Encourage children to wear reflective coats or accessories to make them more visible to drivers in darkness. And, don’t forget to choose routes and cross at places that are well-lit.

More road safety tips


As you know, 50 Things to Do Before You're Five, is a brilliant free resource for families and you can use it within your settings too! You are invited to attend their free webinars to learn more!

Engaging parents with your setting using 50 Things to Do - 19 November, 3.00pm - 5.00 pm

This webinar will explore how the 50 things app can be used and you can see the impact it has had on other settings practice.

Book here

Promoting Cultural Capital/Community Engagement through 50 Things to Do - 7 and 9 December

This webinar will explore how the 50 things app can be used to promote culture and community engagement.

Book here


As winter approaches, we are highlighting the NHS services available for parents/carers to ensure children have access to the right service at the right time.

Please see the posters and links below regarding Pharmacy First and Healthier Together.

How pharmacies can help - NHS

Pharmacy first poster

Healthier Together website

Healthier Together poster


Thursday 21 November, 9.30am - 11.30am, live on Microsoft Teams.  

The Behaviour and Attitudes judgement is based on the Ofsted Inspector's evaluation of the ways in which children demonstrate their attitudes and behaviours through the characteristics of effective learning, how well practitioners help children to manage their own feelings and behaviour and how to relate to others. This session will delve deeper into the Early Years Inspection Handbook focusing on the Behaviour and Attitudes judgement.

Available as part of our Early Years Ofsted package for 2024/25 (£320.00) or to purchase separately for £75.00 per booking.

Find out more and book


Please find below the process for professionals referring families who need support from food or baby banks.

Process for baby bank and food bank requests

The Portsmouth City of Sanctuary referrals should be sent to: referrals@portsmouth.cityofsanctuary.org.

Portsmouth City of Sanctuary asylum and refugee referral form

The Home-Start Family Hub Champion referrals should be sent to: referrals@hsportsmouth.org.uk.

Home-Start Portsmouth Family Hub referral form

Any questions about the content of this email? Get in touch