We have worked in consultation with the school EYFS Leads and have adapted the transfer record to make it more efficient and effective.
Schools have told us that receiving the first page with the general information about the child, is crucial to understand who the child is and whether there are any additional needs. Please can you send pages 1 and 2 (general info and parental consent to share) to the receiving school as soon as possible.
Schools have told us that having the learning and development information (page 3) is vital, but recognise it takes a lot of your time to complete this section.
You could complete this section at the Citywide Transition Meeting (19 June) alongside the receiving teacher. This can structure your conversations.
Or, if you are not attending, please do send page 3 onto the school as close to point of transfer, so it forms an up to date overview of the child's attainment in relation to learning and development.
Schools have told us that they really need the Transfer Record before the end of the summer term. If you give the record to parents to pass on, please urge them to hand to the receiving school in July.
Could we also ask that settings are mindful of GDPR and sharing information. The Transfer Record has a consent form on page 2.
When you receive a phone call from a school to discuss a child/ren, please consider how you can verify that the person calling is phoning from a school. We would suggest that you ask for their name and school and call them back on the school phone line.
 Just a reminder that if you haven’t already collected your Read With Me book packs, please contact your linked Early Years Quality and Sufficiency Officer, or Hannah Rapley or Sue Bowler if they are due to visit you and ask that they bring out your books. Alternatively, you can collect your books from the Civic Offices. Please email eyworkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to arrange a suitable time for collection.
Schools will be handing out 15 recommended reads leaflets to parents of children starting school in September 2024. Do feel free to print out these leaflets for any parents who have not received these.
 Don't forget we have our 10 top tips for starting school in Portsmouth. You can find the poster here.
And the Portsmouth City Council webpage with supporting materials to help parents support their children can be found here.
Family Hubs have been working with reception teachers to find out what will help children who are starting school in September. The Family Hub Champions will be inviting families to collect a "School Readiness Bingo card" which can be completed over the summer term and holidays. When children can tick all the boxes, they can collect a goodie bag from their local Family Hub. More details will be shared on the Family Hub social media pages. A copy of the Bingo card can be sent to any Early Years provider who wishes to share with their children who are going to school in September .
 A reminder of our new project in the city. Please download the app, use the experiences in your setting and share 50 things with parents - these are 50 great experiences to keep families busy over the summer!