You all should have received a summary of your payments based on the manual headcounts that you submitted to us for the working families two year old entitlement.
We are planning to manually input the data that you have supplied to us into Synergy so that all the children that you have received a payment for on the actual task will show in the provider portal when you open adjustment task 1, and we have been assured by Synergy that the upgrades to support data collection of new working families entitlement will be ready by then. You will be able to add any new children eligible for the working families two year old entitlement and make any adjustments as needed, you will also be able to indicate if a child is eligible for EYPP and/or DAF.
We have been testing the changes that Synergy have implemented and will be issuing an updated guide to share these changes with you once we go live on 2 April 2024.
We are also holding two provider update sessions via Teams to demonstrate these changes to Synergy, and provide further information on the expansion of the entitlements to children from 9 months which will come into force from 1 September 2024, details below.
 17 April 2024, live via Microsoft teams.
- Morning session (10.00am - 11.00am), book here.
- Evening session (6.30pm - 7.30pm), book here.
Outline of session:
- Policy and funding updates on the expansion of early education entitlements
- Entitlements expansion - including under twos entitlement
- Changes to funding paperwork
- Changes to Synergy and headcount tasks
- Next steps
 From 1 April 2024 both the EYPP and DAF have been extended to all funded children who meet the eligibility criteria. Parents can indicate to you on the parent declaration form if they believe that their child is eligible and we have updated the information sheet for parents. As part of the Synergy updates, additional boxes have been added to the two year old headcount tasks to reflect this.
If you tick the 'nominated for DAF' box you MUST upload a copy of the Disability Living Allowance award letter to Synergy (or email to eyfunding@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you are having difficulties uploading), without this evidence we are unable to process a payment for DAF.
Also, please make sure that parental information you submit for EYPP is correct otherwise it can give a false result and, when submitting a claim for EYPP, you MUST tick the EYPP box giving us permission to check for eligibility.
 The headcount task for adjustment period 1 will be available on the provider portal from Monday 22 April 2024. In order to avoid late submissions, please make sure that your current log in details are working. Contact the Synergy support team at synergysupport@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you have password issues that need resolving. The deadline for submission is Friday 3 May 2024.
All providers must complete adjustment task 1 if there are any changes to their previously submitted actual headcount claim, which may include children starting or leaving the setting or an increase/decrease in funded hours. If a child has left your provision you must ensure you adjust your claim accordingly. Mid term payments will made if a payment is due based on adjustment task 1 data.
You will be able to view your previously submitted headcount tasks and payment summary on the Synergy portal.