The Early Years team are launching the next academic year's training and development programme to you, our amazing Portsmouth Early Years workforce.
 September will see the favourite packages and one off workshops you have told us you want back with some tweaks and updates in content.
We also have opportunities for you to purchase visits or onsite training from the Early Years team.
Or if you prefer to go virtual, we can deliver our training workshops to your whole staff teams.
Here are the packages...
 A tailored package with more onsite support and a focus on inclusion for your setting. When purchasing this package you will have access to:
One of our introduction to SEND 2 hour virtual workshops in Spring or Summer 2025.
3 x Practical SEN strategies workshops delivered face-to-face with the Portage team at Civic Offices (sensory needs parts 1 and 2, attention and interaction skills and visual support systems).
A SEN staff meeting in your setting - please contact us by email at eyworkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to book your meeting, including any dates and times that you have in mind.
 The Ofsted package is suitable for Ofsted registered early years providers such as childminders, nurseries, and pre-schools. The webinars, visit and onsite training included in the package are written in accordance with Ofsted's early years inspection handbook.
Webinars will focus on each of the Ofsted judgements as described in the early years inspection handbook:
October 2024 - Overview of Ofsted judgements webinar - quality of education
November 2024 - Overview of Ofsted judgements webinar - behaviour and attitudes
December 2024 - Overview of Ofsted judgements webinar - personal development
January 2025 Overview of Ofsted judgements webinar - leadership and management
A 2 hour onsite visit from an Early Years Quality and Sufficiency Officer - A 'mock learning walk' (based on Ofsted's early years inspection handbook). Please contact us by email at eyworkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to book your visit, including any dates and times that you have in mind.
A 2 hour onsite team training session delivered by an Early Years Quality and Sufficiency Officer - 'what to expect in your inspection' (based on Ofsted's early years inspection handbook). Please contact us by email at eyworkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to book your onsite training, including any dates and times that you have in mind.
 2 hour supporting babies workshop - £75.00 - attend in person or virtually via Teams
2 hour supporting toddlers workshop - £75.00 - attend in person or virtually via Teams
Level 2 SEN course for childminders (6 x 3 hour evening sessions on Teams) - £206.00
Level 2 SEN course for settings (3 full day sessions at Civic Offices) - £206.00
12 day Level 3 SEN course - £970.00
 Early Years training workshops (2 hour onsite workshop - £250.00 or 2 hour virtual workshop - £150.00
You can select from a variety of workshop titles:
- A great place for communication
- Fantastic phonics
- Loose parts play
- Marvellous maths
- Outdoor play
- Supporting our EAL learners
- A day in the life of year R
- Forest school experiences
- Neurodiversity in the early years setting
- Celebrating differences/diversity
- Parents as partners and the home learning environment
- Writers in reception
- Readers in reception
- The role of the adult in play and developing quality interactions
- Magnificent mark making
- Gross and fine motor skill development (including fiddly fingers and dexterous hands)
- Supporting schemas
- What to expect in your inspection
- Wellbeing in the workplace
- Extending children's learning
- Young minds matter
- Books as hooks
PSCP safeguarding 3 hour onsite team training - £220.00
Early years visit options for your setting or school (2 hours - £250.00)
You could access any of the following for your early years visit or get in touch if you have a different focus for a visit:
- Learning walks
- Developing or monitoring polices
- Environment audits
- Quality audits
 You can browse and start to purchase the training and development offer now and our programme will run from September 2024 - August 2025.
And of course we still have our universal offer for everyone to access which includes:
Termly provider briefings, SENCo network clusters, getting to good workshops, EYFS managers in schools clusters, new or returning to year R clusters, PSCP basic safeguarding workshops, I spy Ofsted workshop, EYFS profile training, annual citywide transition meeting.
Do book your training and development as soon as you can, to secure your places on workshops or access to the team coming out to visit and support your setting.